Hello! and the like: In which Ben rambles about Emerson hoping you get excited

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Then you are probably kind of interested in Emerson College, which is a pretty creative, weird place. I'm Ben Adler, your tour guide for this good good log. That's a question you have to get used to at Emerson. Am I forgetting anything? Yeah, well, see, I don't know, but anyway, this is Emerson Blue. Yes, you're in the middle of Boston, which is awesome, being in a urban environment, but it's also like pre chill, not as crazy as New York. Let's see, let me give you some, like, stuff about Emerson. Eighty by Charles Wesley Emerson, not Ralph Waldo Emerson, though that would be really cool. Everyone always thinks that it's like, No, no, not not him. It's a liberal arts college as well, but with a very, very powerful affinity for the arts and communications. Wei have the number one journalism program According to U S. A. Today we are number nine for top film programs in a Hollywood reporter, and we have an awesome like speech, speech disorders and communications department way. We have, like, really all these awesome performance majors theater musical leader that nature really good. We have, like some new cool majors, like comedic arts on business of creative enterprises, things like that. When you go here, you'll figure out what LGBT Q. I actually stands for.