Health and Wellness Center

In this video, I take you through Sarah Lawrence's Health and Wellness Center and I show you what our wellness room looks like! As promised, I have listed all medical and psychological services the center has to offer! Medical: Diagnose and treat short-term illnesses and minor injuries, prescribe common medications for acute illness, vaccinations, routine lab work, test for and treat sexually transmitted diseases, gynecological exams, and provide birth control. Psychological Services: Our staff includes licensed clinical psychologists, clinical social workers, and a part-time psychiatrist who have been specifically trained to work with college-age individuals through a variety of treatment modalities. All services begin with an initial 30-minute consultation where students have an opportunity to talk with a therapist about concerns they wish to address. Based on the information presented, the consulting therapist will make treatment recommendations. Wellness Services: Wellness Room, Campus Programming, Wellness Classes, Smoking Cessation, Nutritional Information, and the Peer Health Educator Program.

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