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So now we're leaving the global neighborhood and I'm gonna walk you guys through the Loy center, which is where I live last year. So every on campus fraternity and sorority gets a house. Thie amount of people living in the house varies between houses. I lived in a house that had twelve girls in it last year. Um, so this is the beta theta pi house, and then we have sick. Then this is the house that I lived in last year in my sorority Tri Sigma. Then down over here, Some of the bigger houses, um, tried Elytis House and Zeta Tau. Alfa are right down the corner, and some of them have back porches, which is really nice. We definitely spent a lot of time out there, Uh, doing homework, playing music on the weekends. Then we come down the hill and we have the Kappa Delta House, the Alphas idols, a house and the Capitol out of a house. I feel on there are nine sororities and six on campus fraternities. So if you're looking for a school and you want to be affiliated, you want a really good place for it. Some people complain that creak, like kind of runs the social scene. So if you're not affiliated, sometimes people might find it harder. Teo, find things to do on the weekends, Um, Russia in the spring for girls at yuan. With your first semester find your friends before you're inter sorority, which I thought was really nice because I didn't just come to Ilan Russia sorority and get kind of, like, stuck with that one group. So I was able to make my own friends outside of my sorority. Then once I brushed, I found even more friends within Sigma but still had my friends from first semester, which is really nice because a lot of times you and your friends will go different ways. So then you'll be able to meet people from a ton of different sororities and then boys rush as freshmen in the spring. You can rush in the fall or the spring. Um, so a lot of guys, if they don't meet the requirements of their freshman year, they can decide they can brush follows spring of the soft Maria, get their grades up, which is a really good part for guys. Um, that you on GPS requirement for sororities and fraternities is a two point nine. So you have to really get your grades of the first semester to be able to rush.