Gonzaga's important academic buildings

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So the academic buildings here on campus that helped me the most as a nursing major and as a first semester freshman are probably Tilford, which is the nursing building. Ah, hemming the having cine center, which is where most people they get together, and you can also study. There is very little on options to do there and then college Hall, because that's where many offices administration administrators are as well as classrooms. So till for is a great place, because it's although it's kind of far away from Krampus and not that great looking. To be honest, Um, it's a great place to study, and all my nursing advisors and professors air there so I could talk to them there. That really helped me an academic career because they ever they have the cod, which is the means cafeteria here on campus as well. A ce Starbucks, which was great as and Wolfgang Puck's pizza. They also have a lot of resource is there for LGBT Plus Centre, as well as the Gonzaga Student Body Association and one of my favorite parts. There is the reflection room, which is a great police to meditate or just like relax, because it's really quiet. So the reflection was one of like favorite places because it's so quiet and they have these insanely comfy being bags like four hundred dollars or something. No one's in here right now, so that's why I'm logging in here, logging in here. I'm like, really tired from the long way around, but also a great place to just meditate. I've really helped me in my academic career and really like, made it easier to do things as Honey first semester fresh from Eric Gonzaga, and I hope that they will help you as well.