Gavin Shares His Favorite Thing About OBU

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Okay, Gavin, when you introduce yourself in your major and your classification here, Toby, I'm Gavin Elster and I Everybody give Major and have a sophomore. So being at O. B U, I can study ministry and I can also learn from top of the Nazi scientist here, right? But the professor's here are actually from other countries. Yeah, so it's really cool because we get diversity here, but also a different knowledge. We have a lot India, and I think there's even one from South Africa. What they do is they teach from their world view how they taught it. It's much different how I was taught in high school. The teachers are very intentional, and they know you by name. So if you're walking on campus, they will literally hunt you down just to shake your hand. I'm not only that, but they invited to their house to eat dinner with So my favorite thing about over you is the spiritual impact that they do here. Being in science, you would think that science and you mentioned are definitely polar opposite. It's crazy because the professors here know what they're talking about. They put Bible scriptures and Bible versus and give us clarity on how we should look into the future also. So it's pretty amazing just for me to get clarity on subjects like, you know, the creation of the world or even evolution. What advice would you give to high schoolers thinking about going t O bu specifically, um, find a good group here at ofyou. Like anybody you see, walking on the sidewalk is a great person and get to know everybody and find your group and find your people. Even though I'm a science major and I hang out with so many signs, major friends, I have so many other friends that want different major communications or, like social sciences. It's really cool because we can, like, put all of our knowledge on a table. If you find a group of people, I mean, you're going to find people like you, that helps you. The transition from high school college a lot easier. Like I found the best friends I've ever had in my life at O. B u..