Game day weekend!!!

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It is Karen again, and it's a very exciting day because it is big game weekend. So I am spreading my Berkeley here today because this weekend we are playing, um, against our rival, which a Stanford University across the bay there located in Power Alto and no, not to bag on them. Uh, I'm just getting, but Stanford is considered our biggest rival and we're playing against them this weekend. It is a big deal here at directly like it's called the big game because, like, it's the most look towards a game. Um, our rivalry with Sanford goes years like I don't even know the whole history of Berkeley or Stanford or anything. Um, the big game is like important because there's, like this tradition with the axe. It's like a literal acts, and the axe gets passed on to whoever wins the game that year. Guess what? Berkeley has lost every year for eight years. Um, so we don't have a very good track record against Stanford, but that's okay. Um every year, we still hype it up and we amp it up, Um, so leading up to the big game every week, we have, like the big game rally and like, we literally have this event that's like chopping the trees. Chop down a tree, I think, and there's like a bonfire. Um, if you don't know the symbolic reference behind that is that Stanford's mascot is a tree, which is pretty lame in comparison to Berkeley's Golden Bear just saying so. No. Have I ever been late? Literally, like, even if I go, I don't even know what's going on, So it's pointless for me to go. Um, I ended up recruiting some of my friends to help me get some footage and some pictures from game day. Because, you know, I still think it's like a really cool and really big part of brick. Even if I personally hate football guys, it is a big game count, and as you can see, we are very yeah, Oh..