Friday Night!

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Her guys we're about to share with you the secret peppered on nightlife. I'm sorry, but actually so right now it is eight. This is what we're doing pretty with pepper tons of dry campus, which means they're not going to have one around on Friday night. You're not gonna, like, walk to a frat house and have their beer party doesn't exist. There aren't any on campus parties because a dry campus, which means there is no alcohol or any drugs allowed on peppered on property. Now that said, if that's like really your thing, you could find stuff off campus and like we're close to L. A. You can find whatever you want in L. A. But none of it's going to be here. Most of the people who go to Pepper Dine prefer to do other things on their Friday nights, like watching Netflix and do face masks. Just give you guys a run down on, like what people do on Friday. Um, I have a friend who's in Santa Monica getting dinner. Have another friend who is in Calabasas, which is It's like thirty minutes, the other direction from Santa Monica. Um, there's a few people who are together in a different suite watching a movie. What do your friends doing tonight? Heck, I know there's one guy that's traveled with the volleyball team. Me and my roommate is performed at the coffeehouse event that they had going on tonight. That's where a lot of the guys tend to hang out. We just showing the suites in the dorms and and play throwback video games and and, you know, just chill. Do you know anyone who's at a party right now? Not that I know. I mean, I'm I'm sure that there are some people, but I None of my first, Not a big thing. That's not to say that it's completely horrible. That's all we do things here, like face masks and movies.