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In regards to freshmen housing, you were able to choose your housing based off of how quickly you submit the housing deposit. If you're remain, submits it before you, then they can request the room. You was a roomy, so there's no issues with that. It's just whether I was the closer time ticket. Now for the options you are required to live in a dorm. Your freshmen will you not required, but it's guaranteed. I'm told that you have the dorm open for your freshman year, and they are all traditional style except for one would drop on West Campus. Is not that a sweet style where you have two bedrooms, two person per room and one bathroom shared. So you can have either West campus for East campus housing. The most newly renovated Our Glennon towers, which are on East campus, and a few of the dorms have laundry in them. If you don't, then you just go to the nearest residents hole where you can do your laundry there, which is what I had to do over the summer when I lived in Caldwell Residence Hall on West Campus. If you have a pl one or two appeals for your floor, which are basically George Tak freshman raised for, they're there to help guide you and such. We also have living learning communities, which is there are a few of them. There is exploit grand challenges, global leadership and a few more which I can't think of right now. That's just a way to live with people of the same interests as you. They have activities within your LLC. You have certain classes and stuff like that. This is in Hopkins, which is the same residence hall that I live in, and this one was actually a study room at first, but they needed more room for more people, so I turned it into a wall so, yeah, it's basically just a big room with four of everything.