Freshman year advice

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If you guys don't really know, I go to the University of South Carolina. I definitely did it, but I wish that I just really ran with it is just be outgoing and know that everyone is literally as nervous as you are. Everyone is struggling just like you and everyone's Justus nervous? So just you really have to when you go into college, just be as outgoing as possible and be as friendly as possible. They would, you know, sound a lot of time alone and they would really spend time with, like, our hall mates stuff. It's really building a connection with those girls or guys, Whoever ling that relationship because you're home aids and your suite mates and your roommates. Those are all the people that basically become your family when you're at school and when you're in your brush in your college and you all are just experiencing this new world of college altogether. Work on those relationships first when you get to college and be really outgoing. You know if you see a girl sitting somewhere alone, just go up there and literally be like You wanna go get Starbucks or like something right? You're really uncomfortable because in high school I feel like you're so used to like your clicks, just kind of sticking with the same type of people that have always been with your whole life and not really like reaching out to people because you never really had to now introduced all these new people, all these new faces so really just take advantage of that and reach out to people on DDE. You don't have to be best friends with everyone. That's another thing you know, you don't have to build amazing relationship to first semester of college because a lot of people that I met my freshman year of college, you know, I have a good chunk of them that I'm still really close Friends left. The next thing that I did not realize going into college was the class sizes policy in the college like movies where, like they're in this huge that was in person lecture home, you actually were sitting in one of those lecture halls. You really do when you're in classes and your anger lectures, you really do need to devote all of your time and energy to paying attention to your professor's. Not like high school, where you can literally just go to class and sleep or watch Netflix and getting a you have to actually like, really apply yourself and really put in the effort and pay attention to lectures because the information you're getting those lectures will be on tests. 30 for you guys is to eat healthy for you about this, but I gained the freshman 50,000 not just the 1st 1 15 I've gained so much weight my freshman year of college, and it was because of so many things. I remember feeling bloated all the time, my freshman year and you could see it like if you look at pictures of my videos from my freshman year of college, my face was huge. Guys like I kid, you know, it was because I was eating really badly, and I also was drinking really sugary alcohol and beer on it definitely caught up with me. So make sure when you're going to college, have it in your mind that you're not gonna throw all your like health and food values out the window and really be aware of what you're putting in your body going off that my fourth trip for you guys is to get more sleep. Don't let college be the death of your sleep because you'll regret it. I swear to God is a thing, and you will constantly feel, especially your freshman year of college. Have a little Netflix and chill, and you start to get into your sophomore and junior years of college. Because I'd be so overwhelmed with e. You know, all this social stresses assignments and just everything's just really hard in college. You know, people try to make it like this fantasy world where it's so easy and everything's great and rainbows and uniforms College is amazing, and it's so much fun 10 million times better than high school. When you feel yourself getting stressed, taking a step back and doing things that make you feel better and help you deal with your stress before you have those panic attacks in those breakdowns getting really anxious and overwhelmed, deal with it and go to the gym workout. You know, for me, it's like physical activity really does help with that, taking time to, like, meditate and really process your thoughts and your emotions is so important taking time of journal or, like, go on a walk, get outside, do something for yourself. Some people have even that I know personally have been dropped out of college because they did not manage their stress well. So if you want to be really successful in college and you want to do well, you need to learn how to manage your stress because college is so stressful. You have so many responsibilities in college, especially if you're working and you have a job. On top of all that in college, like I did, it gets the point where it's just so many people are wanting so much from you all the time and the number one priority that you need to have always. When you're away at college on DDE. I know that every college, like it's included, at least in my tuition, but for most schools, it should be included. Like, why would you know, as I do struggle with really bad anxiety and I wish that I had just dealt with my stress a lot better, and I could have avoided a lot of money. Don't you know, dismiss your feelings ever like, really, when you feel unhappy or you feel overwhelmed, reach out to somebody because there are so many. Resource is on college campuses, and there are so many people that will help you and don't feel alone because everybody is so overwhelmed in college. I literally breezed through high school without studying, like at all going into my junior college and be in exercise science major, which is a little bit more challenging. In college, that is not you're not gonna get in a that waiting how to study is so important and learning. Just be aware of it going into college and be aware that you don't have to participate in hook up culture. I have so many friends that you know would be really drunk and then hook up with guys And Brooke read it so deeply the next day. Countless stories of girls that just did really stupid stuff when they were drunk and hooked up with guys that they just didn't wouldn't hook up with or didn't want to hook up with or they went through with something because in the moment they felt like if they were to say no, then it would make them less of a person or, you know, whatever. My very last tip for you guys for your freshman year of college. College goes by so fast and being a junior in college, which is disgusting, Like saying that makes me literally wanna cry, enjoy every moment of it, even when it feels like it is the shittiest thing in the world and you feel like just the life is not going your way that day. Take advantage of every moment of your Russian under because it is the hands down the best year of college. You have any questions at all about college? Please leave them in the comments down below and I will get back to you.