Freshman Dorm Tour // Princeton University

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This room actually used to be a lounge in a hole, and then they converted it into a double. Um, right here we have a little coat rack section. I really don't keep that much food in here because I have a great meal plan, so I really don't feel the need to have a lot of food here. In this little corner here, I put tiny command hooks. Like, I have my shower loofah hanging there to dry and usually have my, um, turbie twist that I wrapped my hair. Um, yeah, usually I put it there to hangs really convenient. They used to be up there because those hooks were just in here when I moved in, but that was kind of not very nice to look at. So that's a kind of little a little tip for you guys, Um, to put your things to dry in a place that's kind of like I'm out of the way. I feel like I was able to fit everything I brought to school, but between my wardrobe of my dresser. Really? Well, um, so up here, have this planet's kind of struggling. Um, I have really been trying to keep it alive so hard this whole semester. A little box was soon keepsakes I brought from home. Like this, um, a little dirt double is actually amazing. It's a little vacuum cleaner that I can actually disassemble, including the shore, which is super convenient. So I definitely think that's something great to get if you live in a dorm and then the bottom Georges has extra sheets and some of my filming stuff. Um, I just put this ribbon here to kind of, like make the bland chair look a little bit more interesting. This right here is just a little china plate that I brought from home on. I set the jewelry that I used more often on their um, but It's pretty, and it's really convenient when I'm getting ready in the morning and trying to go faster. I have two candles, and as I live in a dorm, we're definitely not allowed to have candles. Um, I just come here to make the room small good, because he smells amazing. The brand is D w Home won't focus, but yeah, So that's it. Another tip having candles that smell really strong. Just having them in the room makes it smell fresh on beautiful, even without lighting them. I have a little succulent right here that I got from whole foods. Just put some tape on there, and, um, color blocked it. I got this organizer from Marshall's, which is really helpful. Um, and then the bottom Georges has, like more notebooks and pens and school supplies in this little coronary Here's a basket. Um, so I used to have this canopy up, like as a normal canopy hanging from the ceiling. Um, but fire safety told me I wasn't allowed to have it, so I literally cut the metal hoop out of it and then hung it from the wall from a command hook on, then put twinkle lights on it and it works. I liked it better when it was hanging from the ceiling, of course um, I tried to make you, um I actually don't have my bed lofted. Better not laugh because it feels more like home to me. Um, I have this basket with, like, my curling iron, my straightener and some other stuff in it. Then I have a container that has some summer clothes in it, but that that's it So, like I said, I like having my bed not locked it. Um, and then over here we have my little nightstand. Um, I got this vase from the dollar store with flowers here, Just my yoga mat. I have plenty of room here, which is such a blessing. Then back here in this corner, I have a little like a reading light. It's really great, because when I'm working at night early in the morning in my bed and I don't wanna have, like, all the lights on in the room, Obviously my roommate sleeping. We don't have a mini fridge in here all because, like I said, we didn't really feel the need. We have a cure again here for hot water, but that's really that's really it.