Follow my Schedule!

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Uh, you're gonna be following along with my schedule today. I'm headed to my writing for media class in the Cool In Senate. It's a smaller classroom, so I really like that. So I just got done with my writing for media class. That's how we learned how Tio scrips for broadcasting out abbreviating make sure people who are reading it. I'm not myself a salad and I'm from our salad bar didn't make your salad. It's like chicken, strawberries, maybe hundreds blueberries. Well, you know, it's actually pretty calm for twelve thirty. Some people go home, but a lot of people say here over the weekend because there's usually running like plenty to do. So after I finished my lunch, I am headed to my communications theory class. That's a really big lecture when I sit in the first like to row. So it doesn't really feel like that big of a lecture, because I see everybody behind me and it lasts about fifteen minutes. Then after that, I'm done with classes for the day. So I'm in my communication theory class classes and start until one thirty. I like to get here really early because the lecture hall is open, so I'm into usually pretty quiet. So I will sit here for the first no three minutes, forty five minutes until class starts and just work of my own work, especially since it's Friday to get my homework done with weekend. Out where Mascots, uh, Freddy and freed a falcon parading around on take off Kurt passing out T shirts. Anyone who is wearing going green apparel because it's fucking friend. I'm wearing bowling green apparel and I got this. It's just getting you with it because, um, Isaac, he's in post like our unofficial fight's on. I saw his two giant birds rounding the corner on the golf cart. Uh, the person who was driving was like, happy fucking Friday and through me, the shirt, and I was like, Thanks. Oh, a little extra creek for this pretty great Friday so far. So I just got out of communications theory class, which means I'm done with cost for the day and it's Friday. Next unhand my friends probably do some homework so that I don't have to do any over the weekend. Hopefully Well, let's play some video games with the boys tonight. I'm about to crawl in my cozy little troll hole down there, and I'm going to do some homework, and then I think, later tonight I am going to get a downtown with some of my friends and get some pizza. So it's about five o'Clock on this lovely Friday and me and my friend George, we're going to go get some pizza downtown, so let's go. How's your pizza, Carson? So this is one of my absolute favorite parts of downtown. It's find a record store, absolutely love record and finals. I got some ice cream, Uh, got to hang out with my friends. So I hope you guys really enjoyed follow along with my day today.