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I'm out of plus now it looks like involved, but hi, guys. So what I have for you today is gonna be a day in my life. I'm actually starting school today, so I'm gonna try to block as much as I can. I attend CSUN, so I'm just gonna take you around my day and we'll see what happens on the first day of school. I'm just gonna start getting ready. I pretty much just between scare a little bit of lipstick and just put some fake voter so I don't look fishing. Now, I'm just waiting for my friend Stina, because we're gonna carpool together to school. Does Cygnus on this? Um you know, finish that over there, huh? I've seen pictures wait. Plus, you're lucky that I know a lot of seating area. Then the other people, like, you know how there were some good. What is it? Does that like yourself? My name is Carly. Um, I'm a major on and yeah, hopefully this is my last semester. Picture, huh? Because one of my co workers was only means either. It was like you finally tried Bobo or whatever it's called. That was part of this bird being probably You probably did everything so gross Way e. I got a chicken taco from Baba. Okay, so I finally found us for their people around so that I could talk to the camera lasting. I walked to my second class, actually want to? I was walking to her office hours costume. So then I realized I had 10 minutes to get across campus. I actually I found a planner, somebody's partner. A good thing it had a girl's phone number and everything. I took the girls, and then I was waiting for her outside the building for a little bit. Now, I just came from the Titan job, actually, that I need for my second class. It was, and I really didn't have to pay for shipping order. Then now I actually have a plus for book currently 3 30 six. So I need to read before going to the car so somewhat, Brady, I'm gonna start heading to class, so I will. It's currently almost 6 40 Fi. I'm hiding it like you. I hope you guys enjoyed watching whatever footage I thought. If you didn't make sure you subscribe button number. I'll see you guys in my next video should be coming out on, uh, let me know if you guys want to see more college blog's tried a lot more and not be a shy, but yeah, we'll catch you soon.