First Day Back To School: 2nd Year Spring Semester CSUF | What's In My Backpack 2019

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It is a new day and we are back with the school blog's guess where I'm going right now. We're getting to considering this school lot guessed it college. I am a second year Cal State Fullerton, if you guys don't know. We are starting spring semester and I'm going to school Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 7 a.m. which I'm writing right now, it looks a lot brighter outside on camera that it actually is outside. I go to school from 7 a.m. 2 to 15 so that should be really fun. It is currently 6 45 I need to get to my class because I have to go up us bladers. I'm a class that it's really, really cold Whoever wins you guys after class or something, cause I can't really long. First class men really well into the second floor heating quick. It's so wide que onto my third class and then I have break. Get into the car to have some lunch because it's cold and windy and I won't take the next Really did him in the car. Today has just been a struggle, blogging because I hate blogging in public like people at school staring at me when I've logged, like you're so people around me and all of them hear me talking. In the car now, I got my 1st 3 classes out of the way. Why not? Okay, look, you this all right? Probably headed this way. I have to go to school on the same day and I'm tired, and it's cold and windy and the only seat available, probably outside. Isn't Adidas backpack in the front? These other pockets is one pocket in the front. I have some stuff in here, so let's see in this from pocket, we have index card because in college you want to make flashcards. It's usually has helped me said so much hate college because literally like I was walking to my car, they're like, Are you leaving him like No. And then I get to the car. Pack your backpack, and then I have sticky notes because you never know your music. You know, I don't think I've even used these sweets. I don't know why I have loose necks like interesting case. What happened here? Oh, I have some, like, post it sticky tab things, but they're all crinkled because he's in the big, big part. I just got this, um, protein, pre bowl chicken and keen wallets like salad looks really good. My pencils and pens have mild liner, some 10 Sharpie, a bunch of colorful pens, pencils, erasers and stuff in here. Then I stopped because it was like, I don't want to draw everything out, you know, I love drawing stuff. This is basically just from a backlash because I have the soldiers in your phone by Asian American studies Class Thing isn't for my math class because we're gonna be taking those are other. Take math, hold on paper, sort of on a laptop and that in this little that pocket And here's for my laptop. It's just laptops back there and inside the backpack right here. I also have Advil mini container because you never know. Days like today I started my period tm I know, but I did in class, and I felt like someone was literally putting me in the uterus, so I took some of these I felt better instantly. So I have that in there because I phone my dying middle class and I could also like plugging to like my laptop or into a wall. You know, sometimes you don't sit by outlets in the wall, So I haven't Mobile one, and then I have this us or Eos Chapstick. I also have another ChapStick and I have a mascara one because I clean my I don't know and I have a hair tie. That's why I'm not really gonna do a full you want to export. Someone's car is room rooming, and I do not go to the drugs under pressure. Very Cy Refresher when I literally have this cold, sweet tea in my car Still My God, it's so good. Okay, now we're in the car and you saw people ask me if I'm leaving. It's a thing here cause a Florida, I don't think they have their colleges do it, but like, parking is the hard I'm gonna eat now. I've just been editing all day and it's John suddenly could end of log here. If you enjoy the school videos, let me know what other videos you'd like to see a school related down below. Talk about school if you want, like, a high school advice or like my school experience that video, let me know.