Finals week at Temple - A day in my Life in college

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So today I thought I would take you through the day. My finals are next week or next Monday and Tuesday of two on Monday, one on Tuesday. So today I am preparing for my finals for next week. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday we have study days for some professors or having study sessions with TA is going over. Materials are kindly when I move up, but I do have a review session where my macro economics class at noon 12 to 2 was I need to go to that this morning and tried to eat breakfast. Also tomorrow on Wednesday I'm going on a trip with the Temple launchpad, which is like the entrepreneurship center. Um and I need this miss parents, so I have to go downtown and get hands. Finally it is so nice out like it is a blue sunny sky. I'm probably have some oatmeal, some strawberries and fruit and a cup of coffee. Okay, so I just made myself some breakfast, so I need, um, Oatmeal was just like brown sugar, clean oatmeal. Then I added some strawberries, and then I made myself a cup of coffee, and there's add almond milk. I'm using my bed as a tripod because my tripod bro you know, we're gonna make do with what we have. Then I think I have about an hour until I need to leave for my Nikon. Gonna try to do something for myself, You know, a little bit of self care, I guess. Well, where am I? Watch a ted talk or something like that. I'm also just goingto journal for a little bit this morning. Um, it's something I've been trying to get back in the spring of since. Have been super busy, had, like basically two jobs and being at a new college. I'm in a new relationship and making new friends. Sometimes I forget to take care of myself to the extent of which I used to be. So that's I'm gonna try to do this morning, just like write down my thoughts because, you know, there's a lot going on up here and sometimes it's good. Got like positivity and being Girl Boston Little Traction Stop. She's super cool, and then I'm just going to sure know. So there's air down My goals I looked like most around like different writing styles and wondrous life. I was writing down my goals, but sometimes I put like pictures in here and try to make it cute like this page. Artie, I also really, really loved the uses air the mild miners in there so you can get hm Amazon where also So they have them in the temple bookstore. So if you want to get those spend your diamond dollars on these but they're really good for journaling or like taking notes. Then got more cup of coffee and I'm journaling. So I'm now back from my Nikon review session was, like, two hours long and not the most entertaining thing. It's, like, two o'clock, and we're gonna go get lunch. It's, like, conveniently in my building, nor might I make myself launch. I'm feeling a little bit Lisi today, and I'm also just super hungry or so I need the instant satisfaction, So we'll go see what's down there. So I got lunched on the dining hall, and now I'm gonna go to the temple photo gallery thing. Um, Connor and I went to the aperture agency like photo gallery because his friend had pictures in it. Originally, I was gonna go downtown to get pans because I was going on a trip tomorrow by side. So I'm still here watching some YouTube videos in my dorm. Um, I'm going to go the gym a little bit, but I think I was gonna peace out now because I'm not a lot of film. There you need, like, a permit or like a signed form. So since I can't film in the gym, I'm just gonna peace out now. I hope you guys enjoyed seeing a day in my life here.