Final Thoughts and Goodbyes!

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Hey, I just wanted to hop back on here before we have to say our final good bye and leave you with some thoughts toe Think about when deciding which university is right for you. So number one I think you should think about the size. Are you looking for a small medium or large university? So Stony Brook has seventeen thousand undergraduate students, which puts it in between a medium university and a large university. This means that the introductory courses are goingto have upwards of five hundred students in it. Are you okay with that, or would you need a more personalized one on one environment with your professor? Either way, that's totally fine. It's definitely something to consider when deciding which university is right for you. I can say that definitely classes get smaller as you progress throughout your time at Stony Brook University. You're gonna have to pass those classes that have upwards of five hundred students in them in order to get there. The other thing to think about his location, where do you want to be located? So starting Brooke is located in Stony Brook, New York, which is all among island It's less than a two hour train ride away from the city, and we actually have stopped called Stony Brook, which is awesome because it's located right on our campus, within walking distance from everywhere. You could just hop right on and you'LL be in the city in less than two hours. You also have to think about what do you want to do after college? What's your vision after college? Are you thinking about getting a job right away or you thinking about going to graduate school? So if you're thinking about going to get a job after college, which I feel like there's a lot of people, then Stonybrook might be right for you because it is located on ly two hours away from the city. There's a lot of job opportunity in the city, and a lot of people would love to work in the city. So another to think to think about is that Stony Brook is not your typical college experience. I don't know if I previously mentioned this, but there's not that much that goes on on weekends, and you also have to create what you want out of your college experience. They try really hard to create a social atmosphere at Stonybrook, but it mainly focuses on academia, in my opinion, so there's not a lot that happens on weekends, and there's also not a lot of like parties. Like that kind of environment, if that's what you're looking for, it's a very admiral, educationally based university that focuses on education and doing well. I think that if that's your main priority, and you're looking for a place that's pretty inexpensive when it comes to instate to wish him, and maybe you're looking to go to graduate school later. So maybe you want to save your money and not have to take out any loans, then Stony Brook is definitely the place for you. Personally, I chose Stony broke because it was the affordable choice. I was actually going to go to a different university, but it would mean that I would have to take out loans, and to me it wasn't worth it. For an undergraduate degree, you get so much out of coming to Stony Brook going to Stony Brook's classes, and you just learned so much. So if you're really looking for the education and you're looking for us a university. That's an amazing price for the education point than Stony Brook is definitely right for you. What? Maybe even just what Schools are not right for you. I hope I helped you on your journey and feel free to leave any comments, Tom below.