Final Pieces of Advice

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It's just It's hard because you have to know yourself know which school would best for you? And you may not know yourself when you're only eighteen, but like one of the big things that mean that I have mentioned yet is that I transferred here. I used to go to a teeny tiny school, one thousand seven hundred people in Pennsylvania, and I am not somebody who is good in small schools. There were other reasons that I thought would be a good girl from a It was not so. That's why I ended up transferring here and fit in so much more at school with so many people at so many different options and that kind of thing. So I guess I wanted, even if maybe you screw up, there's always transferring. You know, there's always that process, but I really like him here. I just I guess in the back of my hand I knew that I was probably better in a bigger school. It's not the end of the world, just like you made a mistake. It's too early night, so just don't freak out so much about it. I guess it's it is a big deal that it can also happy in terms of that the college application process from ready schools that I first applied TIO, they worked super hard to get into. Luckily, I brought my S A T s a junior high school, and again, I see you're here, so that was really nice. A lot of people read over it, which is great and a lot of really simple counselor. So I would say, any adult that you could get a look at it is good applying to transfer here. I didn't have to send an essay, Was all just like my scores. Like my friends from my old school like structure from my high school may seem t score are kind of just that stuff. So have as much inside about the normal application process for you. It's just it's so nice going to a school that everybody loves every person of the year. Y, where'd your friends go and gather the litigator. A country is like the sucky atmosphere, but that is just not how it is here. That's not saying that there were issues like There are a lot of people here in that caused a lot of traffic for trafficking in car traffic, Tio. Just all the other aspects of the school make it so that it doesn't really matter, you know? So I would say, if you're saying you want to school, please come visit, especially in in a nice season, which is most of the year. It's just it's just like a breath of fresh air old, yeah.