Final Goodbyes!

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So I'm really happy if you guys watching my videos, and I hope that it helped you choose. You guys want to go to college in the future? A. Cz muchas we joke around about all the negatives of Binghamton. I've made awesome friends along the way, and I realized to just be myself, it's one of the best education giving schools in New York. If you're looking for a Sunni school that's both affordable and definitely the public ivy, it's Binghamton, and I would definitely recommend going here if you're goals and aspirations are to be successful in the future. Because Binghamton truly offers some great opportunities to everyone. Whether you're in the School of Management, the lots and school of engineering, the Ducker School of Nursing, Harper's Regular School of Liberal Arts or the pharmaceutical school, they really offer so many opportunities for every single individual and as much as we must surround. It's definitely the best place to go academically, in my opinion, and that's really why I chose to stay here. There's a lot of things that happen when you come to college. My final piece of advice to you all would be if things get tough, just stay through it. I couldn't even begin to explain what I had to go through my freshman year. Anyone else would probably transfer on run away as fast as they could. I'm here and I'm happy and basically just life goes on. Binghamton is really a great school, so I would definitely recommend Thanks for watching.