FAQ/Tips For Potential Seawolves

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You guys have already heard me talk about stuff like the undergraduate colleges and the many academic programs that as if you have to offer But what I'd like for you guys to also know about some of our campus traditions and waste get more involved. There are over 400 clubs and organizations on campus, including the create quite organizations like the fraternities and Sororities. Even though Storybrooke isn't a really big party school, there are definitely a lot of events and festivities that happened on campus all year round. Some popular campus traditions include Roth Regatta, in which every year students build boats out of cardboard, duct tape and other materials, and race those boats and raw. There's also Strawberry Fest, in which students get to try out different strawberry related delicacies and treats from different cultures and region. So there's the opening weekend activities, which are huge on campus, and this takes place at the beginning of every fall semester, so it serves as a really grand and welcoming a gesture for the new students as well as the parents students on DH. It's really nice because I remember my opening weekend, and it was really cool to see how some of the organizations on campus and some of the students got together, truly plan out of very fun filled day with a lot of performances and interactive activities that really made me feel welcome in the university and really set me off on the right foot. Honestly, if I could talk to my high school self right now, I would tell her that she should stop crying over getting rejected from her dream school because after coming to Stony is when she realizes what her true passions are, and she meets a lot of really awesome people that are very supportive of her. I mean, I didn't even expect to have been easily able Tio get involved on campus here and accomplish the different things that I have, both professionally and personally. It really makes me look back on the experience that I had during my high school senior year and really say that sometimes the unexpected is kind of what we really need, and it brings us closer to achieving our goals and achieving our own dreams. So I want to thank you guys so much for watching my videos. I really do hope that I've shed some light on help. You better understand how it's like being a Stony Brook University student. For those of you who didn't get accepted to study for congratulations on your acceptance, I know it definitely wasn't in music process to get accepted to speak because of him, because if it is so, I really congratulate you on that. I do hope you pick story there and no pressure, but as views really great. I know that you know, the college application process is very daunting and all that, but I really do have faith in each and every one of you. I know you're going to accomplish so much may bring things regardless of which college to choose to.