Fall Term Reflection 1 – Settling In @ Dartmouth (College Rewind)

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Hey, what's up? Hello, Date Now is October 6 and it's 10:13 a.m. And remember when I said that I would come back after I settled into college? Well, selling in turn into two tests a week, and I've just finished my fourth week of classes that it's been four weeks of classes, but it's actually been six weeks almost since I left from Shanghai. That's because Dartmouth super extra and before your classes start there is a week of trips which is basically the three out into the wilderness, and you camp. Then there's another week of orientation and then class trip is an awesome experience because you've been they get to bond with, like a small group of people before you get on campus. So by the time you get on campus, you have, like, at least a little bit of a support group. That's gonna get stolen since we were out in the wilderness, like even more in the middle of nowhere that over, which is really weird. It's ridiculous how packed they made our orientation week and filled it with events like this. Honestly, we were so tired by the end of the orientation week because of all the activities they made us participate in, and we just wanted classes start, which is a really bad idea, because once you start studying, you just never stopped. We have 10 week terms here, which is really fast, and everyone says that it's really fast. When I first came, I was like, Okay, it's 10 weeks, but it's still like 10 weeks. It was going to go by really quick, but the paces of all the classes are just really relieved. Sped up and the teachers are professors really try to cram a bunch of information into one class period, and it's like, really hard to digest. So what I've been doing is I've just read transcribing what they're saying, and I'm processing it after the fact, which takes so much more time. I think that's like the best way I can learn, because I can't process simultaneously with their brains. If you're slow reader that likely you fall behind on readings really, really quick because they assigned, like one or two chapters a day. So if you just grew up in assignment that say, like, worth 35% of your grade, then you're basically done for the whole term, like if you feel that one, then you're basically dead and you just constantly have to be on it, which is really difficult, and it so happens that a lot of my classes like to have exams on the same day or like back to back, which is just really stressing me on. That's what's been happening to me for the past two weeks, which has been a lot. I have to say that the professor is here really awesome because they don't really have, like, a something to teach to like an AP test. Then So they really teach, like what they want teach, which is really interesting because, like, for example, I'm taking a psych classes term and audience and pours off like experiments are experiments that the prophet themselves and that's just shaper weird, because usually you're kind of distance from the from the experiment that's being taught. But I guess like these experiments are more personal because you kind of know that people were studying, and that's just that's just interesting to be. Another thing about academics is that I'm taking languishes term, and it's an introductory language, so they have this thing come true, which happens either at 7 45 in the morning or 5 30 and What you do is basically they drill you on vocabulary and, like sentence structure and stuff like that for, like, a language. I like 5 30 And so, basically, almost every day I have to wake up at 7 45 which is really, really tiring, especially because I have classes at 10 and that just makes me so sad. And I've had, like, a couple of close calls with time because I just fell asleep before I set the alarm. So what I do now is basically, I get up, go to drill breakfast and come back to sleep because my classes started 10 and I have, like, an hour nap in between. At least I'll be actually a week during my first class rather than falling asleep, because I have to get up. Speaking of like breakfast meal plans, they actually put us on like this meal plan, which has for me swept term, and usually what people do is they use these in your sweats on new swipes up on the like, the buffet cafeteria, like all you can eat and the food is okay there. As for social life, you naturally just get really close to your floor and your trip because you spend so much time together and you basically live together. Then during classes, you just kind of find kinds of people were just as confused as you. So you bond over your confusion, which is actually really funny and the constant, like What's your name? Get over about like two weeks in. So it's not just constantly on socially all the time, and that's really good for me because I really need a long time. There's not enough time for me to, like, manage everything. Like the term schedule coming in handy, because everything just kind of resets after each term. The thing is like the 1st 23 weeks actually were interest meetings. So I spent a lot of time and interest meetings, and right now it's a part of, like four or five clubs, which is already a lot, and I've been slacking off on their meetings because of my A lot of tests. Other than Dad, they have a lot of just extra bonding activities or just activities to get people to like the stress, I guess, and the other week there was like a friendship concert. So I guess they just really want you to feel part of a community, which is good, but really we're interests me the most is the movie theater wishes, like a five minute walk from campus at most and also darkness ability to just get, like special screening or advance screening films. Not say I've been here for almost five weeks, and I've watched four movies and I'm gonna wash another one, Probably today I washed a star is born yesterday and I'm God. This was especially bad during orientation week because it was super hot. I'm still trying to get over the sickness right now, and the other thing that's bad is Friday night at 1:45 p.m. Which you can see for yourself. Watch Christopher Robin today, which is my fifth movie here already. Um, I'm thinking of making, like these, like, update raw, basically uncut videos, maybe once a month update you guys on how everything's been. What you think of these and yeah, I'll see you next time.