exposing my biggest college mistakes (so you don't make them too)

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So hopefully guys can learn from my pain and failures and just things like that, you know, just doing better than me. So the first mistake I made in college was one that I think a lot will actually make. It's thinking that you can work in groups when you really can, and not just working groups, because good work is great. Having study groups just like it doesn't really work out, you know, it really depends on the people. I didn't find this out until, like my second semester at the end of my second semester, that I am not a person that can work in a study group with Britain's or like people that I even know where that I'm comfortable with because I can and will procrastinate and talk in, just goof around and end up wasting many hours of my time. I guess if I don't know the people that I'm working with, that makes it so much easier to get work done because I don't really want to be in that situation to begin with. The second mistake that I made was not getting involved with words or just like any riel extracurriculars my first year for me. Yeah, I don't really join any words or was, like, really serious about being in any student organizations or clubs or like cultural clubs or dance clubs, like there's a ton of different organizations out there. I feel like I really missed out on some really cool friends and experiences and raising a building. So if you're a freshman and you're looking to be involved on campus ordered, don't be like me and have, like, five friends by the end of the year, just just get out there, put yourself out there do better than me. The night before the day before, a couple hours before you know it, just like whenever you can get it done. It was like a tiki girl is like Like I don't you know, compared to it was just, like, big, like, big, like a brick, Honestly, Like maybe like two bricks. Actually, our professor gave us that look at the beginning of the semester and was like, You know, you cannot get in and this class, unless you finish in, annotate this book. What I'm doing and debris, like, 50 pages, Max for most of the semester had to end up reading about 500 pages three days before the end of the semester, where we had to, like, annotate and read it. I know I'm just like killing any chance for like, an audible sponsorship right now, but like Audible is not your friend for that because you do not have time in the day to capture all that information to do other things. Don't push things off the last minute because you, with so many mental problems, because you end up with so many issues and end up losing so much sleep that it's just not worth it. My fourth mistake that I made was that I ended up wasting tons and tons and tons of time just doing nothing, doing things that I wasn't really supposed to be doing at that time. I have a test next day that I'm supposed to be setting for but saying my calendar after those two classes, I'm going to study for, like, four hours to get that studying done, to really understand material to get just like some final things before the test, right? And then I also schedule in one hour lunch in between there. So I'm not just like, overwhelmed, you know, just like timeto really refresh My soup itself would decide to take that our lunch and turn into me like three hours. Then I go to my dorm, take a nap because you know some care, and then I end up being hours later, and I have much less time, actually study. You know, that would just be a one time thing either. You know what's going to explain? My mistake was probably the biggest mistake that I made my freshman year in. Because I was comparing myself to other people that would cause me to, you know, just, like hop in on other people's business. What are you doing? Huh? What are you doing? 00 you said that about who you went where you got what grades. I definitely should not have spend so much sign books and what other before doing, because I really, really need to focus on when I was doing so. You know, What I did was I tried to stop comparing myself to other people, would just focus on what I was doing and not worried about what you were doing or saying or thinking and just kind of like, paved the way for myself. So my next in the bio mystic that I can remember making my first year was that I really pushed myself into doing something that I really, really did. Not want to do If you guys have been following me for a while, you know that I initially started college as a bio major. Yes, I thought when I actually got there, I realized that bio wasn't really for me. I actually realized pretty early on, but I didn't really do anything about it because I thought like I just pushed on and get better. Like it more as like, time went on as months went on, his classes progress, grades went, and it just didn't really get better. I was doing okay, but my enjoyment for what I was doing just wasn't there like I wasn't feeling bio, so I decided to drop it. That's not to say that you shouldn't, like, push through things that are difficult. I'm just saying that if you are 100% not feeling it, you know your heart is not there. I really wouldn't have been joined getting it. I wouldn't feel like a wasted a ton of time getting something that I'm really not interested in. That's that's just the T. That's that's when I got to say, exactly are all the mistakes I made this year. To become a roommate to know my post certification. Make sure you show this to you with a friend, you feel like they need to know what not to do when going to college and be sure to leave, like on the video on your way out. I've been a rickety and I'll see you guys next time.