Explaining First-Year Housing, What a "UGC" is and Mandatory 101 Classes

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So now we're going to talk about different living options on campus for first year. So unlike many other colleges and universities who have designated freshman dorm ng, we do not sow. In every single building, there is designated freshmen suites or rooms, so I think that's really important to differentiate between our school and other schools. We have this thing called you GCS, which stands for undergraduate college, is. So once you accept Stony Brook University and you decide that you're coming here, you will be asked to rank your top three undergraduate colleges. It's basically just like a subsection off your whole class. So obviously there's different pros and cons of each of them, and a lot of people get caught up in the name of Oh, I'm part of SSO, which is science and society, or I'm heard of HPV, which is human development. To be honest, what it basically means it is, or what it basically stands for is that you live in that designated area for your first year and you live with the people who also chose that specific undergraduate college. So there's different pros and cons to different undergraduate colleges, which is just based on where you live. So science and society, arts, cultures and humanities, and then also human development, which is Roth, Quad Table or Claude and Kelli Claude are all going to be sweet style, which means that there's either going to be two rooms or three rooms that are connected with a living room, and then you share a bathroom. It s information technological services on and then also G. L s global studies. Those are going to be your quarter style, which is basically just your typical college room. It's going to have two people, maybe three if it's a triple. There's pros and cons to both of them s. So this is what I've noticed. Which is human development or Kelly Quad is going to be the one that's closest to the Long Island Railroad, which is probably how you will get home if you don't have a car and it goes into the city. All quads are kind of, especially this sweet style ones are formed in a circle. Kallick, what is going to be a circle? And it's kind of been going to be forced to be on the inside. Kelly Quad has balconies, which is super cool, and all the balconies face the inner quad, which is awesome. So that something special about Kelly Quad as far as Ralph Squad, which is where I live, or science and society, it is goingto have air conditioning, which is really off autumn. It's also going to have a pond in the middle of all of the buildings surrounding him, which is where Roth or Gotta happens S. O. That is also super important to know, because Roth Quad is one of the only quads with air conditioning. So no other quads actually have air conditioning, except the exception of two buildings, one and Kelly Quad, which is a lot of beer hall and then one in Global Studies. Those two buildings are special because they're basically brand new, and they're going to be like a ho style hotel style accommodation. The good thing about H Quad, which is leadership in service, is that the community is going to be the strongest there since it's corridor style. They always come to this thing called Hall Council, which is on Tuesday nights there. They have a lot of pride, so if you're definitely someone that loves a social environment, you don't mind sharing a common bathroom on every floor. Then I would definitely recommend age quad. It's also right across from the stadium and also across from the student Health Center. If you need anything, so that's kind of awesome. The only downside is that it's kind of far away from campus, so you'LL have to do a little bit extra walking. The good thing about Mendelssohn quad or information and technological services is that it's really close. Or it's closer to Eastside dining, which is one of our dining halls but also towards the middle of campus. Something about just to think about in general is that when you choose, I would choose it based on what kind of style of living do you want. What kind of experience? What kind of first year experience do you want to get out of this? I would not think about it like if I do science in society, I have to be interested in science because for me I was a business major. I didn't choose leadership in service as my first one. I actually chose human development, and I think that that's just an important thing to think about because no matter which one you choose, you're goingto have a one on one class, so it's going to be caught either sso one o one h e d wanna want etcetera, and they're going to try to tailor it. To which ever, UGC or undergraduate college that you're in. It's not necessarily going to be fully about that. The one on one classes are really just like an introduction to Stony Brook on DH. The information is going to be the same regardless. So maybe if you have any friends that want to come to stony broke or thinking about coming to Stony Brook with you definitely talked to them and think about where you want to live for your first year at Stony Brook.