Everything You Need to Know About Bridgewater State!

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I'm here to tell you a little bit more about Bridgewater State University. Just some basic knowledge in facts that might help you decide if this is the place for you. So Bridgewater is definitely a medium to large size school. We have about eleven thousand to twelve thousand undergraduate students, and we also have a graduate program, which can run from a couple thousand students as well. Bridgewater set in a suburban area, but the towns around us range from urban to rural. If you had a little bit north towards Boston, that's when you get kind of the urban city like sounds. If you had down south towards the cape, that's when you get the more rural kind of fields grass farming area. So you're really in a place where you can choose where you want to go. Bridgewater is considered a community campus just because thirty percent of all our students do come you for me. I live about an hour and a half away, so I'll appear full time. There's not many people on campus during weekends. We have so many activities all the time that you're not gonna feel alone. We have a bunch of activities ranging from a radio station, jazz band, chorus, Greek life, um, this clean. I'm actually going to talk to you about Greek life in a different video because I'm in a sorority. It's probably the best thing I've been in college like so far as Faras campus goes our campus in the shape of a figure eight. There is one academic building that is like down the street from here, but I didn't know that it's mainly housing and a few places. There are three dorms over there, and you can choose to live over there if you want to have a short walk to class. Because most of the housing is on the side of campus, people prefer to be around like all of their friends and, like everybody else lives. We have four dining halls, two on each side and two on the west side. Some of them have the same kind of have the same food every day. So if you're looking for something specific, you can go there. Some of them change their menus all the time, so you can try new food, whatever you want. Because we are in a suburban area, there are a lot of places off campus. You could drive TIO restaurants, fastfood chain's, whatever you want. I think the main thing that sense apartment water from every other school is how generous here we are with our financial aid. When I was touring and looking at colleges, the cost definitely was a big factory minuses. I want to make sure that I was going somewhere amazing, but also not my financial ability. You know, I didn't want to leave college with a bunch of debt that I wouldn't be ableto handle. As a young adult, I ended up double depositing to two schools because the all their college I was looking at, it was wicked expensive, and I wanted to see if I could make it work. When it came down to it, Bridgewater really helped me made me feel comfortable knowing that I could afford the school and I could have a great time here. Massachusetts is definitely a very high education focus. State colleges here are very focused on giving me the best education possible, and I truly believe that my college is a hit job when it comes to other schools, especially Massachusetts, and I hope someday you'll feel the same way, too.