Elizabeth shows Stevenson complex- Part 1

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So today I'm going to show you Stevenson center, which is where I'm standing right now. I'm going to show you one of the main academic buildings, which is this building right here. Since I can't switch between camera views, I'll just give you the pano you and this area right here is like, um, a little study area. Yeah, no one's going to be sitting there, but today is Friday and it's late afternoon. It's about four o'Clock and most classes are done, which is why you don't see anyone sitting here. Because the weather is great today, it's about seventy degrees. So this is building is what I'm going to show you today. It's called Stephenson Center Lecture hall, and it's where most of your, um, science big science classes are gonna take place. Those class sizes are usually around two hundred fifty people, so they have big lecture halls inside this building for those classes, so let's take a look around. Right now I am technically on the second, the third floor. Yeah, kind of confusing, but it's big because we have Oh, no, we're on the second floor. Okay? Yeah, Kind of confusing, but we are on the second floor right now, and it's called the second floor because downstairs, um, and technically, what you would call the basement area are our science lobs, um, and another entrance to the lecture halls and also our library. So let me show you what a luxury homes in this academic building looks like. Taxes, So Okay, so I just walked into the room, and this is what the fuck's your hall? Where you're Kem One lecture. There are little pop up desks which are pretty big, big enough to write on. If we walk down these stairs, you see another door on the right side, and that's the other entrance I was talking about earlier. So if we go out the store, it'll be, uh, science and engineering building number five. So that's the lecture halls is called signs engineering for. Entire Stevenson complex consists different buildings, Numbers. I think they're a number like one through eight. So you might be a little disoriented the first couple weeks, but Stevenson, four and five six are connected. Once you enter one, it's pretty easy to fight. Now we're gonna go look on the left sign science and engineering building where they have discussion rooms, uh, recitation rooms which could also be used us cost rooms, and also our science labs. Um, he probably won't be in this building unless you're in arts and science student and also like taking signs classes because, uh, the other classes that say, like, for example, Blair or a Peabody student, those are humanity's and our music schools. Um, the classes that they would take on the main campus, which is where all the arts and science causes are would probably be in different buildings, smaller buildings. If we walk here, they give you nice signs which are super helpful when you go online and toes E. What room you're in and pro Tip is five indicates what science and engineering building you're supposed to be in. I like what Stevenson building you're supposed to be in. Two indicates what floor you're on and then always like the room, but all the rooms will be bored. So if we take a left here, we are going to see station. So a couple of tables and the TA will probably be writing on the board or sitting up by dusk and you're turning your papers. Uh, so because it is a recitation room you might have like, for example, and Cam, you might have, um, weekly quiz is also, I know you can. This is also a time where you can talk to your TA ask some questions. So it's not on ly for quizzes and there for other classes for, like, language classes such as Chinese. I know they have discussion to practice the language, so it probably is a different format from science discussions. The signs discussions usually consist of a quiz or a problem set that we saw. You were turned that into your ta once you're done. We are going to head to the library, the Stevenson Library, which is connected to this building, like I said four.