Elizabeth shows lab, classroom, lecture hall- Part 2

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This ends our Kem lab and on the doors actually opens. So the one side of the room will usually have chemicals for the one half of the room. You've got this tube which is used to vacuum pill tree, which you will be doing a lot of you take can And this to where the water comes out. If you turn on the water, which I'm not going to do today for right now. Um, the paper towels are there to clean up any messes. It's the board that TA will explain right on here. You're not do a lot of weighing here just normal balances. Um, when you have lab in your schedule, it will indicate which lab room you're in. Which would be over there, said not that door that's open right now, But against the wall there, like there's another labrum. You are also assigned to Cabinet in the camera room. So those cabinets down there, each one is labeled with a number a blue number. So what you do is you come for lab, You open your locker, putting your stuff. Um, you're technically he's supposed to leave your phone in the lockers, but you don't really have tio. You are required to wear your classic lab attire so close to those shoes. You're supposed to wear your normal around a tease. You can also were being next, but like, not too much showing. Guys, it's just whatever you wear shorts R. Okay, I think. So what I do and what a lot of people dio are, we have scrubs or well liked by cheap scrubs online from Amazon. We'll just, like, pull those over our shorts in the summertime instead of changing right before we get into a lot. If you do want to change, there's a bathroom right there for you. Um, any calculations are usually done in lab. The second master, Kim ui, actually do her own up, Um, calculations and lab reports for first semester usually done out of class, and then you turn it into a lot of the next time you have it. We have been turning in our calculations during lab time. So this a recitation room will be the screw that you go in to complete your calculations if you don't want to complete them in the lab. Oh, eight, huh? This is where your recitations will take place. So recitation usually consists of a quiz or a problem set. Um, that you turn in the tea will give it to you at the start of discussion. It is part of your grade discussion is it is grated on accuracy. The first I think two or like one, aren't created for completion. So if you are able to yet discussion point, that's very helpful, especially in these large signs classes they are trying to weed out, um and minimize the number of kids who not minimize like, weed out the best. Um, I think their discussions for bio and this is also a time when you can just ask the questions any about any concepts in class that you didn't fully understand. Um, so basically, our school has defines, like, any room as a classroom if it has enough seats. Um, arts and science kids might have might use the classroom here. Um, like if you're taking a signs class, but usually that's not the case. Classrooms will be in other buildings, not this complex and so let's just take a look. Like I was saying, there are other buildings better doesn't need did with more Rams on each floor two. That's just the one costume that we have in this complex and then foreign language. If you're taking a foreign language that will be in another building, Peabody students will take classes in questions in buildings that are on the Commons campus, not main campus. Blair will obviously hate Class's Lair campus, which is a totally campus that's pretty far away from this main campus. Tip Blair Fun ten fifteen, ten to fifteen walk to Peabody also.