Elizabeth shows her morning routine

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So today I'm going to talk about my regular morning routine. Um, so that includes washing up in the bathroom and then grabbing breakfast. I'm going to show you the bathroom, actually, in a couple of of minutes, but I I wanted to talk about the meal periods, so usually people do you grab breakfasts from comments because our breakfast is really great. Like, we have omelets, we have a lot of fruit options, and we have waffles, so that's something that's really good. We have four meal periods, so the first one is from. So the first one is like your midnight meal period, So it's from twelve. Thirty a. M. And then the second one is from that time, Teo eleven. Then your third meal period is from eleven to four. The dinner is from four thirty two eleven fifty nine. Like a lot of the dining halls will actually close before those mule times and so safe for lunch Commons closes at two thirty instead of four thirty when the meal period ends. When I don't have time in the morning to actually go into the dining hall and grab an omelet, the lines are usually longest from like nine to ten and thirty. So in the beginning of the year, a lot of people grab breakfast. I think that's something that a lot of us tend to do where are very on task in the beginning of the year, beginning of the semester, but then kind of we like to sleep in. So what I do is I grab my breakfast during my midnight meals white period, so I'll usually grab like a chobani, so I can actually show you think they have a couple of my fridge right now. As you can see, I've got my chobani right here. That's something I highly recommend to you bring. It should also be on your college list of a massive list of supplies and things you should bring. So as a hall, sometimes we like, go out to young people, spread days in the mornings like we get warnings to grab breakfast together, or we'll go for lunch or dinner sometime. I'll give you so This is kind of like the Sikh area where I would brush my teeth, wash my face on the head. We have our mum's right here. Maybe it's not such a green aesthetic, but it's still something good to see you just to show you like science. Okay, so sometimes when sometimes I, like take a shower in the morning, just wash up and then eat breakfast. So gonna go back to your room? So that's what I usually do in the mornings and back in my room. So see you guys, make sure you check out the NOx video are the previous video of my room tour CIA..