Elizabeth says goodbye and gives Advice/Tips

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Some things I want to leave you with our advice, and I actually compiled, like, a list of, um, tips or advice from other Vandy students as well. I actually, like one around and asked a couple of the girls on my floor what they thought that you should know. So I'm just gonna kind of be like looking down Teo, Refer to my like a list, but to start off with college is a very new environment Is anu, um, atmosphere. So you will kind of have, um, like a little period of time, The beginning where you need to adjust and you might find that hard a little bit, but it is also an environment where you can try new stuff, so definitely know what you want. Um, so key person mean what you're passionate about, and they're definitely things you have a lot of experience with or comfortable with. So you do want to keep pursuing that kind of stuff, but also keep your mind open to trying new things. Clubs attending different events going to different things that you might not want to like I have no background and dance whatsoever. Then I just, like, tried out for, um, one of the dance teams on campus and, like, was actually a part of the music video for one of their covers. Like I said before in my first video that I was in cards were cause And that's like something I am passionate about because it is helping patients around Nashville and then be responsible. I guess, um but even when you do have fun, make sure you stay on top of your class is make sure you really try to go for go to your classes. So make sure you have fun but also make sure you keep on top of your school work. If you are in like clubs, make sure you are responsible within those organizations because they do expect Ah, lot from you. Yeah, when you do go, Teo, social events or parties, make sure you have a couple of your good friends with you. Even if you don't want to get, I guess mental health is a is like a coming topic. So kind of regard my advice, I guess with, um, like a tone of seriousness, if you do are actually struggling on campus like, make sure you go to those senators we have, like, Center for Mental Health and Wellbeing. Those are services that we actually emphasized a law in the beginning of the year, and most of our student body actually goes there at least once during their four years of college. So it's like not something that is shamed upon or anything but also on like a lighter, more like easy stop, easy going side like make sure you dedicate like some self care time, like be in your room a little for a little bit. Like take your mind off of class work or any like social stress that you're having because that's important. Then any even if you don't want to admit it, you probably like, Think about home thinking about your parents. It is your family, so make sure you keep those ties. Um, and also, if you don't want to eat on campus, we also have meal money, right? So taste of national something. Like, if you want to take a break from campus food, um, explore. Like kids who have lived in Nashville and we actually have a university calling Belmont across from us. I think something unique to Vandy that we have is transportation. So we have Vandy vans, and that's our form of transportation from six PM Teo about four a. M. In the morning so you can take it like a shuttle. There are different stops around campus, so there's actually one in the Hank Ingram Circle where the dorms are. There's actually one year North House because that's kind of far off from where the common upper and lower housing quads are. There's a stop to the rec center, so really easy to access really good at night, especially if you are uncomfortable about walking around on DH. Along with that, we have like a CSO, which is our van de police. So bacon really help you? If you are scared, you can just, like, dial the number on your common or card where it should be on the back of there. If you have any worries about your friends, like you're struggling toe like hope your friend get home or something, you can call them, and they'll pick you up anytime, any time of day. So every semester there's a certain amount of money that's part of your two. So the rec center is something that you definitely want to utilize. Teo, uh, make sure you're healthy and are able to physically keep up with any of you like you're studying. I'm going how? Like it's really important to keep health of your body and some that's something that is very different on college because at home, your parents make you food. So if that's not something that you are doing every week, like if you are not, I'm going to organize practices every week or something. Only that the rec center is something that you definitely want to go to make sure you stay healthy and fit, and I think that's about it. So that's all the advice that I have for you guys. Um ah, and I really hope you do consider Vandy as one of the schools that you want to go, Teo. I hope might have really helped out with any of your qualms. Really? Because it it really is a great organization.