Elizabeth commutes to class in Wilson- Part 2

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Okay like, my phone just stopped recording while I was walking from comments Teo Stevenson Bridge and crossing it and crossing. So I'm just going to start from like, where the line is Toe Wilson. I'm going to walk to Wilson, and then, uh, on my way back, I'll have another video. So where I'm starting right now to where my video cut off from before. So I'm walking to Wilson right now and hold on. So I'm walking to Wilson right now and you can see, like, the half gray, half brick buildings to the left, and that's gonna be like coal. I'm told, uh, those kind of buildings, They have classrooms, and we're gonna take this little oh way down here. We're gonna walk to us it so Yeah, Wilson is really far away, so you'll definitely hear people struggle about their walk till Belson. Um, but on the lucky side, if you are lucky, you might not be taking any psych or neuro classes at all your four years of college and you might not ever have to come to Wilson, but also sometimes are big science tests. They like reserved rooms for that, and sometimes you take in your lecture calls, but I know so First Master, I also took it and Wilson for chemistry. So even if you don't have your classes, you'll probably make this long walk. That's where most of your language classes are your foreign language crosses. That's an academic building that I am going to show you guys and another videos and make sure you check that out. Yeah, there's just gonna be a lot of walking in this video. So from the lawn area, um, on main campus, which, what? I was like a little past here when I started this video, but you'll see it on my way back. When you're coming from Commons, it's like a ten minute walk to get to the Stevenson Bridge. Like a five minute walk to get from Stevenson Bridge to the area that I started my video here. Uh, finally you see those pillars right there? That will be Wilson. Yeah, it's a pretty large building, because there are a lot of cross rooms are like, big luck, your house and it. There are, think sixty eight floors in this tiny building. I mean, this large, but it doesn't look like it holds sixty force, but it just holds six day force. I'm told that they're some like research with monkeys going on in this building somewhere. Um, it's like a fact that everyone news but doesn't actually know, like aware that's happening. There is a bike rack in front of, uh, most of the buildings. You can definitely park your bike, so we're just gonna head inside and my umbrella stripping everywhere. So pardon me while I close my umbrella for we get inside the actual building. So when you enter Wilson, there's like a little seating area on the right and on the very far side there. These air stairs that lead up to the other floors, and it's generally noisy. So a little quiet, um, and I don't know if crosses are going on, but we'll see if I can go inside the lecture hall that's usually used for psych and euro. The intro crosses so people like say on Ford study, you go up the stairs and the elevators to get Teo. Um, other areas of the building where they do research, though. Do you like psychology studies? So that's like a requirement in your sight. Do a certain number of hours participate as like a research participants? I'm not doing research, but being part of the study for your classes. The class is going on in this Lecture halls are justly lets you look at really quick. So usually the lecture hose will have a lot of seats. If it's a big class, you know, have a podium where the professor speaks, don't have like a little screen that comes out to show slides. It was my commute with my first class and we are now back outside of Wilson. So I'm gonna go head into one of my cost, is there, Make sure you guys check out my way back to comments to finish like my commute to and from class and look at the other videos. So CIA and I'll have a more specific tour about this building because it is also a main academic building, so bye, guys.