Edwards Building Tour and Lecture Hall Tour

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Everything is for art classes and your history class is and these classes and stuff like that building. Then we're going to go into my classroom that I have for history and give you a little tour. As far you're see no card with you and you could just find Do what you need to get in and get out slowly open. I don't believe they're used for anything. This is my This is a good theory is for music students that want to put instruments, maybe in the lockers a hundred centuries. I know a lot of these classrooms are used for orientation, information sessions and different stuff like that. So I was kind of familiar before I got here on the different costumes and how they feel. Fifty a m. Not sure what you think I will. It's like there's no classes going on right now. See the place? Through light switch, is it automatically? For? It's just confusing. This looks like it's going to be our light switches. There were so many determine Lights is probably on the other side of the class. Uh, yeah, you got This is more of a a lecture based studio room and classroom. It's nice because the seats do look intimidating. My I know my history classes, like maybe maybe less than a quarter of the amount of seats in this for himself. While it's not like it's anything that's that's already about these classroom sizes intimidate you at all. The efforts building s O If you do find yourself taking any kind of arts class here, this is where you might find yourself.