Downtown: 5 Points

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I worked downtown area off campus called Five Points. There's like shops and boutiques and fast food and like, sit down places and a bunch of bars. Uh, it's it's about it's I think it's a little less than a mile from campus. Some people do walk when you're coming from campus, but there's also a lot of houses around there that people can like that. It's very popular place where students go e and to go out at night and stuff like that, and so here is from that that little clip was a very popular liquor store. This is Latitude rooftop, which are bars the cotton generate there another bar. You got the baked bear over there, which is that ice cream place that puts ice creamy tweet between two cookies. We've got a T Mobile barbershop who got shot? What Flag Place is a restaurant college? Mark Marie. Any other needs over here? Is Sushi Yoshi, My favorite sushi place. There's the barn and cover three, which are other bars? Harper's, which is a restaurant. The boutique Babuji is that, you know, and this is just like so close to campus. Like even on a nice day, You could just kind of walk around the party place funny billboard decorations for Christmas breakers, which is another bar publica. There's so many sandwich shops, you all there's just so much to dio.