Dorm Room Move in Vlog

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I seriously can't believe today is already happening because I feel like I've been waiting for this for so long. So we're just moving everything in the bin, actually, embarrassingly enough I had for what it is, and we're gonna start. So many names sound bought, reach out to me and was like, Hey, you want something? I saw their catalog, and I was like a speaker because we could use it in our door. I believe the link to the speaker in the description box. If you're interested in buying one, you could get off Amazon. So has the USB charger and then sound when I think all right, we're gonna try to put up two points, and I think with the first here pages of Logar I can't. Oh, we're trying to put this fan together, and it is just not working. You see a way, Guys, we've been trying to 20 minutes. I don't really know, but I feel like twist ice of a little cold from Santa Barbara. Okay in bathrooms need Thio clean up the Britta's does he know? It's gonna taste lovely. If you read the instructions, I would have drinking that water. She said I go, What's your aesthetic? And she goes brown color scheme. She goes, It's what themed colors air would like How it's ours. You have Zoe here? Um, I'm not going to show you much of my dorm, but I will show you this little page sleeping so cute. We have a cool, but we'll show you the rest. Yeah, we'll keep you updated on other stuff, but I'm gonna go edit this later, and then we need to hang some stuff over there yes, My toast is done, guys. Let's do a little bit longer, Okay? Things and packages.