Dorm Room Essentials

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When I think about this topic, I just think about all those things that I was using that was like, my remains my freshman year, one of them being a stapler a bunch of times, and everything went. It was like trying to figure out hers. Or your, you know, was ordered to pay to use a printer. Anywhere you go, you have to pay South Carolina, too. Because you only when you know for, uh, what else storage. Even if you have a single bedroom, there's just not gonna be a lot of room. Especially those, like, once you put under your bed. I was like, the little things, like tape paperclips. I just didn't even think about how I got there. I like having a like a husband pillow like a big why, Hello? It's got arms like this because usually in a freshman dorm, you don't you like your desk chair, and that's like your only furniture. So people going to see your everything in your bed, A lot of people are gonna be staying in bed a lot. So it was nice to have a pillow that you could just sit against its not to second directing it. That being said, like a lot of people are going to sit on your bed. So you're thinking that you want to get, like, a beautiful white comforter in that it'll stay beautiful for your refreshment here call now, you know, I covered her fine, but have make sure you, you know, like a blanket to put over it during the day or whatever because it's illegal to sit in a doorman. A lot of times, it depends like some places here have common rooms with Countess stuff, and that's great.