DON'T make this mistake.

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Welcome to the annual state where Hey, guys, Welcome to St. So today we're gonna talk about the common off, and I'm gonna be giving you guys the last minute advice. Logistical advice about how to make sure you've done things right before you. I know a lot of you probably have things do by January 1st, so we're in the last few days, so hopefully these tips will help you make sure you got everything just right so that you could get to the colleges of your trees. Okay, so the first tip is to make sure that you remember all of your change. So there's the activity section where you like outline all of things that you've done. There's also effectually put, like some awards or achievements that have done so. The thing with that is something that comes easily to forget something that maybe freshman year, sophomore year or something just slipped your mind. I would definitely make sure you talk to your parents, make sure they refresh your memory to make sure you're not forgetting anything because you don't want to leave off something that could be pretty significant that could have given you the edge over someone else. Make sure that you're remembering all of your The next thing is to not do your essay last minute. So the thing was that and I know there's already only two days left, which is totally fine. What I'm saying here is to make sure that you at least give yourself a fresh looking fresh local means that you're not doing it in one city any piece of writing, especially when you're on in a time crunch. I'm trying to get a time, and you might miss something especially cause here someone of your hyper focus t still costs over things. So I would advise that you least give yourself a fresh look the next day. So when you're done working on it, say okay, I'm done for now. Make sure they check back the next day after you slept after you're rested and read it again, you're gonna find something that you missed the first time. That is really last minute, and then you send it immediately because there's gonna be some things that you really wished that you fixed, whether that's grammatical or this another on a fresh idea that you had before, make sure you get yourself. The third thing is to put your policy responses in the common back into another word processor like word or Google docks, Type it in there and then popping facing. That's just because, especially since so many people are using the comment right now because applications are due soon, Sometimes it freezes or server gets overloaded. You don't want anything to crash with all of your stuff, not steak. So that's why I think it's really important to make sure that you have it safe somewhere else to make sure that all of the responses and essays and things that you spent a lot of time working on our safe somewhere else. Another good thing is that Microsoft Word actually like checks for double space, is missing apostrophes and things like that that sometimes the space we take things in common app doesn't do that for you. That's just to make sure that really is perfect and in perfect shape for when you said your occupation. That being said, my next piece of advice is to make sure that you check the final pdf off your common at before you send it off. So when you guys go through a little process when you click continue or finished, it's gonna give you a kind of overview. Pdf of everything that you've done before you finally click to send it. It might be easy to be like, Oh, I was just working on this for a few hours. I know everything's good scroll through there and click submit and be done with it. Really suggest that you actually take the time to go over and check the media for any typos or anything that you've left a blank, especially if you've been copying and pasting things because it might have been. You might have just forgotten something I might have just slipped by. You don't want to send your application with anything missing, because I'm telling you from experience, I have a word story with that which, also another day, but you don't wanna miss anything, so make sure to check with you. Then the last thing is to make sure you give your counselor plenty of time to send your documents so you guys are sending your part common app, but there's also a part of your comfort has to submit, which usually consists of your transcript and any recommendations your teachers had written. So you have to make sure that you give your constant enough time to submit that. A lot of schools say that it's okay for you to actually have that information submitted after the define. As always, your portion of the common up is sentenced just because I think they know that it's not really in your power to make sure that your counselor is on top of things and getting things done. It's a deal that have that done by the deadline, just to make sure everything, if you're especially you're not sure about your school's policy. You really should be looking at their website and see what they say. That's well, but just make sure that you could do a concert. Yes, those are a few last minute logistical things about make sure that making sure that you're comin at IHS completely done and perfect, and in the best shape before you submit it just to make sure you give yourself the best chance of getting into the school that you want to get. Let me know when the common to the best of any more questions, please remember to like and subscribe and send this video to any of your friends. Do you think it might be helpful for Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys.