Dining Halls: Russell House

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There is one leg communal building for a plunge itself called Russell. How's the insurgent converse Alehouse Union? Because there's like, so much going on there. It's just it's like the very central place on campus. There's much other dining, all options that I barely even go. There are other smaller letting holes that I go to towards like my other classes that are closer by. There's Starbucks all over the place, and so here's video that So this is Russell House Union. When you ordered them like textbooks and stuff, it really got everything. Also places said that bike rack this side is more dining home area. Shall you just coming up here more seating? Chick fil A Clearly So this is the upstairs eating area. There's a deli, a pizza place taco place Downstairs, there's Chick Fil A's you could see in the back. There's also little market places where you can get snacks. There's two filet and another Asian restaurant in that cute little sign to take pigs in Panera. There's would like to meet people there instead of the library, because the library can get a little too crowded.