Design Your Own Major

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Today I'm going to be talking about my major. I'm a design your own major student, which, for those of you who don't know you can just create your own major. You can create your own major from different majors that offered here at the school. Major has proven to be the perfect major for me personally, if you're anything like me and you're considered indecisive or basically how I like to say ambitious for this will be good for you because you can choose a multitude of different subjects and combine them into one instead of just having to choose one task only. We're starting off my first year of college, like looking through the classes for my next semester that was going to take and seeing all of the different cool classes and other majors that I liked. So I couldn't take them because they wouldn't fit into my schedule. They weren't classes that were for my major, so I had no reason to take them. It bothered me a little bit just because I remember sitting in classes that I had no interest in, but I was learning. I had to take them because they were specific classes required for my major. I was thinking, Why can't I choose classes that I want to take instead of being forced to take classes that I have no interest in? Like my idea was, Basically, it's my education that I'm paying for, So why can I not choose the classes that I want to take that I think will help me in the future instead of someone else choosing them for me? Remember, one day, like contemplating my major, as most college students do, and just looking through the catalog at different majors, and I came across the designer on Major and I was looking at it and it kind of interested me. Once I changed my major, I was able to choose what classes I wanted in one class. There are some exclusions like you have to take math. You have to take English here and you have to take the interdisciplinary courses that go along with that major, which I'll get more into that in a second. I was basically able to choose most of the classes that I wanted to be able to stay away from the classes that I did not. In your first year, you have introduction to interdisciplinary studies and I took this class last semester and basically, what it is is you learn about what it means to be interdisciplinary and what disciplines are, and also in that class you're working towards designing your major you're finding the course is you want to take your talking two teachers and their part in the apartments you're talking to. Teachers in the mhm? Mhm. Yeah, you're talking to teachers in the departments that you are interested in learning from, and you're finding advisors for those major the other two classes. I have not taken it, but I'm going to be taking one next year and the other one in my senior year, and those classes are interdisciplinary project development and interdisciplinary studies, and it's a capstone project. So now I'm going to be talking about my major that I chose to do specifically, and the major that I chose is right now. Basically, I am studying meeting communications studies, graphic design and advertising I chose to focus on these three majors is because what I want to do for my career is I want to work as a graphic designer or slash and I don't know, but basically as a graphic designer or photographer for an advertisement company through meeting communication studies I can learn more about photography and videography and other camera operations, while through graphic design, I can learn about illustrations, typography and layout designs, and the combination of these two aspects, I believe, will make me a better artist. I'm taking the ad courses just so I can know more about the industry and what goes into it. If I stayed in the major that I did when I originally applied here, which was meeting communication studies, I wouldn't have the freedom to take all of these classes that I'm taking now. I would have to take all of the required meaning communication classes, and then I would be limited to maybe one or two extra classes that had advertisement graphic design. Maybe I will say, I don't want to discourage people on choosing one major, because in these majors, like, if you're really sure about what you want to do in these majors, you have the option to take other courses in these classes, like meeting communications. You have the option to take graphic design and advertising courses. It's just you can't take as many advertising courses as medium communication courses just because it won't fit into your schedule like you won't have enough time in your college career. To do that personally for me, that's on your own major program was better just because of how limited space I had. I also am a transfer. So when I transferred here, I had most of my free electives taken away from the classes that I took at my other school. So I didn't have as much space to be able to take all of the graphic design courses and all of the advertising courses that I wanted to do. I said, Just because the design your own major program was right for me doesn't mean it's right for everyone, because you may only just want to learn graphic design or just want to learn advertisement or just want to learn meaning communication studies or whatever. If this video did get you more interested in the design, your own major program, I do want to let you know some stuff about it. If you are interested in this major that you go to the J website and look for the design, your own major program. I'm interested in the design, your own major program. She's always looking for new people to join this major, and she does really care for students. Like I remember when I talked to her, she was the person who I talked to about changing my major, and she looked through all the options for me. If I did stay in meeting communications or, if I've been changed my major to just graphic design to see how that would be like she looked through all the options, we figured it out. We decided together that design your own major would be the best choice for me. Maybe you'll figure out one specific major That's good for you, and that's fine. I hope you guys enjoyed that video, and I hope that was informative to you and maybe help you decide that you wanted to be a design your manager, or that you didn't want me to design your Avenger. Probably been talking for about the different majors that I'm in just so people can learn more about those specific majors. So if you are interested in meeting communication studies or graphic design or advertisement, I'll be happy to talk more about them in my upcoming videos.