Day in the Life of a Musical Theater Major

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How's it going today? In the light? I actually have to go to school. So this is what will happen if you come major act house a virgin for musical theater. So this is our acting class, actually, the only actor in this act? Yeah, he's the only acting major. I mean, we're going to go do some acting and we'll be back. Because then people who want to come here can know what it's actually like. Something about I'm acting major really have anything to add empties. If you're also interested in just acting pretty good, we've got some great teachers say you understand that you're just learning for the most part will go hard on you. Really? What do you know? I'm definitely wonder what's inside. Though you're so cute next class that I have his musical theater. Kane has no class today because he's a lucky duck. So we have to dress in like a dance where right now we're doing gender numbers. So the girls are all doing big spender, and the guys are all doing bitch of living Have to dress in dance clothes. Just says the workout shorts are from Lululemon, and then my tights are just black footless tights from, I think capi zio in my hair because I just wanted to look a little nicer today. I've been looking a little bit run down lately of how busy I am and how crazy everything is put on some super light makeup, literally, just like concealer under my eyes scare and I put a chill on my eyebrows, so I called them in place. I have music theory and we have a test today or we have a question. So what would you like? A little tiny lecture was animal. Probably get up early, have a little bit of a break, and then I have, like, a tiny, tiny bit, tiny bit of a break. Then I have jaws from 5 to 6 40 on DDE. Have rehearsal from seven to nine today. If there's Robbie, Major de Rock dress up for bitch of living today, the way you say of Robert Major years are just mean. It's got him a little Brooklyn and sick this whole semester, literally the whole semester. All the musical Beautiful kids are in this class except for, like, one to test it out. No, together everyone you know, nobody's even noticed that way. I know today because we both would be on a plugging Lee Streck blog's that I didn't isn't perfect, but tries that just reference. It's a phantom Courtney, because I love fat thumb and I have dogs that's so few way. I love the places that words Let me go someone who's bought in O. C. I don't know the music that well. Yes, just walked into the dressing room and look at Lana because this is important. This is a part of the day of the Cal State 40 minutes on the thighs are dressing room. No begins at a mere lays dress is so pretty to give us a nice tour. Tightens things with a flag, but I don't know why. Look, these are some freshman friends from our jazz. She's got Good God and children of it, and he's really tall. Sam is average height 646 really looks straight up in him when you said that thathe Rooth sweaty and like red faced. We're using children to be damage because we don't want building mad. Look, Pura vida, Everyman 20. You know, you're really I know you're really normally used, maybe energy. You know? How many things can you say that we're children with? Dressing Generations have been of people know as in of Adam, generations of children anyways, and clear just really rocking it. Abby, no more back is really sad. Hi. Things were picking me up. It's 9 30 friends 930 Though that was my day in the Life as a musical theater student for my Monday Wednesdays calc fortune. If you guys want me to do an informational, I'll probably do it anyway, even if nobody says that won't do it. So I know there's like, no a lot of information about it online. When I was applying to schools, I didn't know very much about this leader program at all, because there's pretty much no information and like videos on YouTube about it.