Day in the Life at TCU

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So I just got my laundry, and I was thinking, What better time than now? Tio, take you through What a day in the life might be here. So this morning I got up, worked out, showered, Um, did my laundry while I was working out. Now I'm getting my laundry A and just walking back up to my room. I do a little bit of quiet time in the morning, but that, um we would go Teo the blue for breakfast this morning. Um, So this morning I'm just gonna eat breakfast in my room, and then I'll go, too. So I have class at a M on Thursdays, and then I also classic twelve. It's like, isn't it a little bit of time in between in which I like to work in the library? Um, because then I hear, like, homework done and studying. Lots of students like hanging out during the middle of the day, being in the comments, just seeing what's going on. Then later on today, I have a interview with excess, which is a church retreat here on campus. I'm really looking forward to this interview. That am twelve thirty? Um, yeah, actually, it was really fun. My honors class, we did jeopardy to review for our midterm. You guys have to get a frog camp every every single day radio every single day. Is there anything you like? State of prospective student? It's a great time. Always be sure to come in because it's a great time. You guys got to meet Jim in of what he said is super awesome. What I was saying before that is just got out of my classes. Now I kind of knew the rest of my schedule for the day. So I'm gonna go back home, kind of just working on a couple things, maybe some homework, um, and read a little bit. I'm headed to the blue for some lunch on DH, then later I do have that X this interview, but I'm getting dinner with a friend, and that's so awesome because of the blue, like, every freshman has unlimited sites. So there's next Use not heat with friends like all the time, which is amazing. It a little bit later in the day, don't you know? Picked up two flyers on my way from class to the blue. So I totally forgot to give me an update last night. But I'll tell you what happened. So the end of yesterday, I had my interview, but then I went with some friends to go to my church, and we've set a worship night, which was fantastic. So you couldn't really see it that everyday here a TC was packed with something new, something exciting. Random things can come up in your days, and you I can see out of no water slide in the comments and be like, Okay, this is gonna be the exciting part of my day today. So something is always happening at TCU. Students are so involved here that something about the school, like, there's so many smart kids on DH everyone wants to be so involved, which is amazing. I hope you guys can see what a day in the life looks like of a student here.