Day in my Life at Temple University

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My life here in Temple University to my last final is on Wednesday, just currently Monday morning. So I really need to get prepared for that and also get prepared to move out Slightly sad. I live in Morgan Hall here, a temple, and I love living here. It's a nice booty, but unfortunately have to move out duties. Your girl has got a lot of stuff like I really have stuff here. It's my agenda for the day is to start packing my stuff. Aston ate for dinner, and he's gonna help me take my stuff bag. Tonight is currently like, eight forties has pretty early morning. So I'm gonna try to clean my clothes until around 9 35 45 for our men. So that is the agenda for today yeah, I'm feeling a little sad about moving out. Feel so much better mentally being a temple, that Penske So p s a from the day you're feeling mentally unwell because of your environment, your school transfer. So I'm gonna go get cleaning, Okay? So as far as clean and goes, this side of the closet is my stuff, So I'm gonna try toe pack upon my jackets. I'm gonna do that last and then also underneath my bed, I like bunch of storage container things with clothes, and then I'm going to put them into a little bit. So I'm gonna take the stuff that was in there and then put in here. So this been I think it's just gonna be shirts and I'm another bin I'm gonna do more like pants, skirts and things like that. So I'm just taking stuff from my jester I'm putting in. So I finished getting all of the shirts from underneath my bed storage thing. Now, with, um, intimate been and I'm gonna go through my other storage thing that came in my closet. Then we have these two little Ben's gonna go through the top one is shirts and then added to the bed, you know, it's already, like, pretty damn full. So I finished packing up most my clothes, which is so exciting. The top one is like mostly pants and then some, like sweaters and jackets and with the bottom's all shirts. I still have these jackets, but they're so puffy, like a lot of them are just like with six materials. So I thought I would put them in, like, a key a bag that as far as the extra hangers, I'm going to be putting them into a little Okay, so I did a quick outfit. I just put on this little tank top from Pakistan are like because, like, Squared Client and I put on my old just to get your sweatshirt. The structure that I was wearing, the cape, my structure. It's like when I was really, really think comfort, color censured. It's hot in our room, but I just changed something a little bit later. Hey, I came back from getting my breakfast sandwich and studying. I got a bacon, egg and cheese on a plain bagel, and then I added hash browns. It's right across from the new library that is being built. We have a website specifically for our class has an outline of what we're supposed to have read and watch for each each week. So I'm going back and reading and re watching all the videos for this exam. When I first got there for, like, an hour so there was really much noise but doesn't start to get it a little bit noisy, a little bit more crowded. There are, like a lot of people sitting in the area. So I came back, I got myself a Dunkin and refocus fuse was just feeling a little bit too noisy there. Now that I have my coffee on a quiet space, I'm going Thio do the same thing saying for m I s OK. So this is the Korean setup. I got my laptop, my notebook and then a pencil case and my coffee. So here are the notes that I took earlier, just from the various videos on the numbers continue to do so let's get to work. I've been starting for M I s for a long time, so I'm pretty much done studying and no cars on his way to pick me up. Then we're gonna be in my parents house for dinner. I don't want evolved there because, um, I just want to spend quality.