Day In My Life at MIT

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I'm a freshman at Amit studying math and computer science. I'm gonna be taking guys on a tour of amity and showing you what it's really like. The amount of room that they give us is, I'd say pretty standard for a three person room and admit they gave us all this furniture, the beds, the desks, the dressers. So most mornings my roommate or I will make coffee or tea. It's just a really nice way to start our mornings off. After drinking some coffee, I'll get dressed, grab my backpack and head down to the dining hall. So the five dorms that have dining halls are Baker Massey McCormick. I live in McCormick, but the dining hall I'm in right now is Baker, and it's an all you can eat buffet style, so you just Once you swipe, you can eat as much as you want, and every morning they have custom made omelettes. Well, we have all this pineapple, so after breakfast it's time to go to class. So I will gather my belongings, cross massive and walk up the steps past the famous columns. So to get to most of my classes, I will walk down the infinite corridor, which is eight hundred twenty five feet long, making it the second longest hallway in North America. Freshman year I took four classes. They are eighteen o to two, which is multi variable calculus. Eighteen o three, which is Differential Equations six hundred, which is intro to computer science and Python and Ada one, which is in introductory physics. Since all four of the classes I took freshman fall, where introductory classes I was in large lectures. It's also where I had calculus for my four classes. Two of them, which were both my math classes, had lectures three days of the week and recitations two days of the week. Each recitation and each lecture was an hour long for five hours total in class that week, my physics class had lecture three days a week. My computer science class had lecture two days a week, Monday, Wednesday for an hour and a half each. So after all my classes are done for the day, I would like to get a workout in. So I'd usually had to one of the many weight rooms. This one I'm in right now is the main weight room at the easy center. So at this gym, there are bikes with virtual reality headsets that I tested out. Simone and I are in the stud, also known as the Student Center, and the student center has a lot of places to eat, such as subway, Duncan doughnuts, Anna's Talk Correa, which is a really good Mexican place I like and a store called Love Air Days, which has basically everything that a normal grocery store would have. So I'm lucky enough to find some dairy free ice scream. I live in McCormick Hall, which is the on ly all girls dorm on campus. The Green Living room, which is a great place to do homework and relax. Another great spot is one of the two penthouses East or west. It's just a great place to work on homework or study, and it also has a nice view of Boston upon the penthouse floor. There's also a workout room, which is really convenient, especially in the cold when I want to work out but don't want to go outside. I hope you guys enjoyed watching a day in my life at M I. T. And I hope to see you on campus.