Daily Schedule

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Wednesdays and Fridays, I have buy materials and nine a. M. Organic chemistry at ten. Then I have about a one hour lunch break, which I purposely like plain reschedule out. Then I have differential equations a twelve and then on Mondays and Wednesdays I have expository writing class from one thirty to forty five and that on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That same block is my computational protein structure. Then I go to the lab, my research shop for about an hour, four times a week. I'm in this thing called Pilot for organic chemistry, and it's like a tutoring such a problem session problem, set session type of thing. A lot of classes have pilots, so a lot of student take advantage of that because, like, it really helps you, like, review the material and, like, really stay on track with that of your doing on DH, Then I haven't time to bounce on my extracurriculars. I'm part of Trump's City Science League, which I don't know if you guys are from the Wright Science Olympiad. But I was really involved with that in high school. So now at Hopkins, I'm part of Sofia's cell and I'm one of the board members. I'm the publicity head. And so the goal of chances sounds like it's basically promote like stem interest in my middle schoolers and now also high schoolers. We basically teach them a lot of Science Olympiad events and have them. I participate in the regional and potentially state tournament. I love doing that and then and part of my medical engineering society. I'm one of the oppression representatives on the board, and we plan like a lot of events for that. They need be Emmy Department mainly for like the students to get to know each other, to get to know faculty and to really like network and just explore the department and really, like, get another major s Oh, yeah, those are my main to involvement. I don't spend too much time in the library by doing a lot of time studying. Uh, I liketo go to Mount Vernon to study a lot like I did. I love studying there because for me, if I study of people, I know I end up socializing. I will end up talking to my friends the entire time and not getting anything done. It's just about finding, like, what's the right space for you to study in and on campus? There's just so many locations you can go and even like locations near campus. So you always find, like your place, that you can get stuff done to be productive and, yeah, so you always have people with you, too. So it's you never really feel alone, but like it's like you all are really committed to the grind, so it's fun.