Culinary Uniforms

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So let's go ahead and break down each piece that you see me wearing here already. So let's go with the uniformed that you'll be wearing in your lab classes, whether you're in the Harbourside Academic Center or the Cuisinart Center for Culinary Excellence. Thes are the uniforms that you're gonna be wearing, So let's start at the head worried up top. This keeps all of your hair contained, making sure that none of that contaminate. I believe about six of them will come with your uniforms set. So next we have our apron, these air really great to have as our chef jackets are white. So if you were to get any red sauce on you, your apron is there to protect U. S. So that you don't have to go ahead and bleach your uniforms, which is always a hassle to go through story time. Uh, my sensory analysis class my, I believe freshman year I was making a red wine reduction. This involved taking a red wine and sugar into a blender with quite a few other ingredients. Um, I was not familiar with this blender, so I had to turn it on on. The speed was a variable blender was all the way up to 10. I also didn't check to make sure the lid was on tight enough. Soon as I turned it on, it went up to the 10 speed and the lid flew off and red wine went all over my nice white chef jacket. This year, our chef jacket has our name embroidered on them. Uh, this past year we did have name tags, so it's really nice to have them customized for us. You'll see that my name is in silver. This is because I'm a dietetics and nutrition major for people that are in culinary arts. It'll be blue and those that Aaron baking pastry. What's really important is that once you get your uniforms, you get them hemmed. I'm 5 ft two thes were super long on me Eso You wanna make sure you have him before class already? It's the last thing that we have Our our shoes. You need a black nonslip shoe thes were issued to me by the school. Nonslip just means that this part here this tread goes all the way through the bottom so that if you were to step in a puddle, the water can escape. It's not being trapped in your shoe, and therefore you won't slip. Just wanna make sure that you get a nice, non branded White Sox for your shoes as well.