Come Inside the Dorms!

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Um, but this is the one you would, uh, probably get into. Um, and this is what it looks like from the outside. Right now we're in W mu, the freshman girls storm, and we have someone who's gonna show us. Tell me a little bit about what you have in your room. I don't have a lot of pillows because I find a little not necessary minimalist. So I've got a printer, God smacker, some snacks which was necessary. Then her roommate takes the wardrobe and then there's like drawers for each girl stagy room, Teo Bossam. What all do you have in your room? Well, the new French It worked out really well for me because I got the TV on the guests like you get a cinematic masterpiece. Have you feel like you really need that? I just had a freezer in my house, and I was like, Well, they stack so free. That's it Grille for in my ministry video on Thursdays. So tell me about Ira's An aging and what it's like to be on the same hall is, um yeah. He's got a lot of experience, a lot of knowledge about. Okay, so what kind of stuff would that be? Well, we go out to the like beatem! Zohra! Shaunie, Michael bowling. Just so you know, the guys in your whole pretty well, yes way.