Collin tells about his life at Wheaton

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I am in the Mire Science Center with my friend Colin, and he's going to tell us a little bit about his time that week and what he does, what he likes but maybe doesn't like on. I'm an English literature major with teas and certificate, and it's funny we're interviewing in science building or in the science building because I was a science major last semester on the thin is you can change majors really easily at school, and it's still possible to graduate on time. So if you come into school with an idea of what you want to do, but then it changes. You can always change and find out what you want to do, because that's what college is for us, the time to, you know, discover what you want with your life. Something I really love about campus is, you know, the activities you can get involved with. I've currently gotten involved with the theater on campus, which Sarah is also involved with, and that's a lot of fun. Just getting to know the people there and building relationships with people outside of your grade, which isn't really common if you don't get involved with an activity. These favorite part of campus, Um, I'd probably have to go with stupid. Burgers taste the same all the time, but they've started adding, you know, sausages on Thursdays, crispy chicken on Wednesdays. I love weed, and it's a great school and definitely recommend coming here.