college move in day vlog 2018

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I'm like I look kind of mixed feelings about her right now. Like, really excited at the same time is, like the first of the rest of my life. So here I am First thing in the morning turning on my shower, getting ready for the day because, you know, your boy is hashtag never musty. So here I am, showing off my hooted And for those you uncultured people, that's out of the day and, as you know, looking like it's your man Kam Precious teeth. As you can see, I'm out here trying to scout myself trying to fight off shrinkage. We're gonna bring the first couple of bags up to my room. For those of you who are new here, I'm going to the George Washington University is so today is moving that, as I said before 1,000,000. Now, the plan is actually, my move in time isn't actually set until 12. Hopefully gonna let me in and I'm going to move my first bags over there. She's just looking stuff I brought with me so far and then once to help comes around, I'll be like, the actual move in time lapse. You know, all the stuff you came here for, So yeah, Thing type. Okay, so we got a first look at our room that was like, the before. Um, actually get my stuff in there because I don't movinto 12 10. They're nice, but I knew that already so switched phone book because my camera died. We have to get unpacked, so let's get to it. My mom and I started to put together the bed and organize everything on my dad, like, filmed all of this, which is why the camera is so shaky and wavy. Then after we finish making the bed and put in the battle of organizing all that, we started on the closet. So me and my dad started putting clothes up in my section of the closet. All set up here is my bed area, and I have a dust here. You guys will get the official dorm tour sometimes doing either like next week or like later. If you're watching this right now, what's up? Except if you're George, then in that case, I don't like you. I don't know what else to really say or what else add. My arm's getting tired, so I got in the video off here. If you knew the channel, then definitely hit that subscribe button to join our wonderful community family. Whatever you want to call it were actually so close to 2000 subscribers. Guys, I'm not sure how many will be at when I actually upload this video, because today is Wednesday and I'll be uploading this on Sunday but has a recording this. If you go this video and I want to see more college videos like this, let me know about leaving alike and comment down below. If you have just moved in or basically any other questions you may have for me, make sure to hit that little bell to turn my post certification. So you never miss an upload and follow me on Twitter at emergency with two wives. Other than that, guys, thank you so much for watching.