College Application FAQ!

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So today I'm going to be, uh, answering a couple questions and giving you guys some advice about college applications and college application specific to bowling green, so my college applications story. Um, I applied Teo, I think five colleges total and I got accepted into all of them because I put the work in on my writing. College applications is not like, you know, that paper in that one class that you like, you do it and it's fine. College applications have to be an A plus every time. I mean, that sounds like a lot of pressure, but unfortunately and I feel for you I was in your shoes. I mean, I don't think it should be, but it's the way it is. When those acceptance letters roll in and you can look at the work that you've done and reap the rewards, it's gonna feel so good. If writing isn't your thing, go to your English teacher, Go to your local go to your local library. Any resource you confined even just have your parents or your friend or your guidance counselor. Online grammar checkers are your friends, but also know that they make mistakes too. So have somebody check it known, like don't turn in a college application until another pair of eyes have seen it make that a general rule for yourself and in your writing is going to improve so much with the second thing. Applying to bowling Green s o I applied Teo Bowling Green and I applied to the honors college. When I applied to the Honors college, the prompt Waas, a quote from Oscar Wilde and a quote from William Penn I want to say and both quotes where about education, but they were like opposing views on education. Um, so I when I went on a visit, I asked the dean of the honest college, What are you looking for in an essay, which is always a great great question to ask if you're on a college tour, you're talking to the dean of students. You're talking too, you know, Whoever ask them, What are you looking for in an essay? What kind of essays do you like to read and then write that essay? But I asked them I was, like, how creative do you want the students to be? And they said, as creative as they want. I said, Okay, So when I wrote my applications the honors college, I made it into a narrative story like it wasn't like, Oh, I believe this. Listen, this about education and Oscar routes of this, it was like no, like I wrote about Oscar Wilde and William Penn, meaning in a train station in the afterlife and basically having a debate on their two opposing views. Um, and it was like a story, and I turned that in, and they told me that they ended up loving it and that it was like one of the best essays you never read. So make sure your college is, you know, if you can't go visit that, email them. Email the Office of Admissions email The dean of students talked to them in any way. You can ask them how creative you can be or what kind of essays they liked to read, like what they're really looking for on DH. Then give that to them. Let your writing show who you are and what you're capable of and why you would be a good fit at their school. Um, you know, the basic things, like, you know, grammar is a big thing. Make sure, uh, that's correct, because if you turn an application, it might The content might be great. If the grammar is terrible, then it's not gonna look so good for you. If you've done anything interesting if you've been somewhere interesting time that you helped someone a time that you saw injustice in the world, you wanted to change it a time that you were faced with a huge problem and how you overcame it. Like tell my biggest advice for college applications is tell your story now you only get half the money words, however many pages, but take a snippet of your life. Whatever it is you're going to talk about, don't just say Oh, I believe this This in this. This this and this is important because this no say I believe this because this happened to me. It made me this not just owe this in general, it made me this. Your writing portion of your application is where you show who you are to your emissions counselors. So use every last word down to the very last period to show them who you are and if you really want it. If you're really right for that school, it's gonna work out, put the work in, speak from your heart, speak your own experiences, be creative and it's gonna happen for you. If it doesn't, that just means that admissions counselor doesn't think that you would be a good fit at that school's climate. Every school is different, and if they think you're not going to fit in, you're not going to succeed, then that's honestly probably a good thing. Where you get accepted is where that admissions counselor looked at your essay and said they will succeed here. Excuse me, They look at your essay and they say they could succeed here, and that's what they thought of me. When I turned in my essay, they said, this girl could succeeded bowling green and look at that I have. Trust that everything happens for a reason and that it may seem like the world is crashing down on you when you don't get in your dream school. You have no idea what doors are going to open because you were placed in the school. I hope this video was a little bit helpful for those of you working on college applications.