Clubs at TCU

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Tio talked about clubs on DH. Just what people are involved in here on campus. So I wanted to tell you a little bit about all the different clubs that we have. We have a huge Web page called org's ink that we used to you. It connects students to you all the different clubs so I can give you a little taste. I know there's people who are on like intramural Ping Pong Club Ping pong theirs pretty much any type of intramural you would want. We probably have it like volleyball, but I even know there's like Smash through Super Smash froze. If you're looking to get professionally involved like there's a business fraternity on that, you can get plugged into That would help with connections. There's also fun business clubs like the Entrepreneurship Club, which does a bunch of different events, like dinners of entrepreneurs. I know it's called a D, and a lot of students are involved in that. Then there's just like your random clubs like knitting and watching Disney movies. Another one of my favorites is I forget what it's called, but like you go and visit Jim's with other girls who are looking to get involved in fitness. If I didn't have events currently on Wednesday nights, that's what I would be doing on my Wednesday nights. Hey, says really easy to get involved here at TCU with clubs. Another thing I wanted to hit on with clubs is the Greek organizations. So Greek is pretty big here at TCU. I'm an authority. So I think it's about like a sixty percent sixty percent of girls are in. Authorities don't quite know the number for guys, but there's a lot of guys in fraternities here. If you're not in one, that's totally okay, Totally okay. You'll probably be invited to events by people who are because there's a lot of us in it. I, if you aren't started your fraternity awesome like you get to go to those events. Housing is on campus, so that's really nice, you know, for me, because that means my scholarship money, Khun transfer over into housing. I also means they're regulated a little bit more, which is nice because they're kept clean by all the facility maintenance that is on TCU as well. So that's a little bit about clubs and organizations. If you come to TCU, you'll definitely get involved because there's so much awesome things going on here to see you good friends.