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So I hope you had a good time exploring Pacific Lutheran University with me these last couple of days. Hope it really gave you a college feel of what it would be like to be a loops here on campus. Yeah, we hope that you get a chance to come out and visit us sometime. You know, maybe if you come next year, come stop by and say hey to me in the admission office, I'll be around. Yeah, otherwise, if you're really looking for a small liberal arts school that's really focused on diversity, justice, sustainability have peel you on your list. I've lived here my whole life, and it really is a place where you feel involved in. You know, some of these larger schools, they kind of go. People that know I'm going to be friends with for a long time. Thanks so much for sticking with me through this tour. I look forward to having some of you on campus and hopefully seen some future loots here in the future.