Close Proximity of All Buildings!

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Okay, so right now I am standing at the cross section of five different sidewalks coming from five different academic buildings, all within a fifty foot radius. My favorite thing about one field is how small it is, but also how big it is. So the campus itself is really large, But all of the academic buildings, they're really close together. So when I'm walking from class to class, I don't have to worry about being late for a class just because I have to go from one building to the other because all classes are in different buildings. Unless you're like doing all science or all math. Most of the time we're going to switching buildings every hour or whatever your classes or changing. So I love that the campus is so close together so that I could just walk twenty feet to my next class instead of having to rush out and be worried about being leeched class. Um, but I just wanted to show you guys all just the radius that I'm standing in right now. So that's like the academic advising, like where the president's office is like all that kind of important stuff is in Melrose on DH, Then behind me over there is Walker Hall and rightly, which we have already taken two hours off. So you already kind of know what those are all about. Then behind me again, we have graph Hall and Murdock Hall, which are the science buildings. So as you can see, like within this circle, there's so many different holes and so many different things, and it's really nice right now. It's a really nice spring day, so everything is green and pretty, and everyone's walking and saying hi to each other. So that's just one of the great things about Lynnfield.