
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Right now I'm sitting inside a classroom of Mark Taper Hall. It's one of our buildings here in campus that houses the majority of our lectures and discussions for general education courses. We say that you're not a true USC student unless you have a class here because it is inevitable that you will have a class here. If you look around, as you can see, it's a pretty small environment. Some of our costumes are even smaller than this, and that's because USC has an average class size of twenty six students with an eight to one student to professor ratio. So that means that you're consistently in a small setting where you get to answer or ask questions to you, professor, and raise your hand during lecture. Now, with that being said, coming into USC as a freshman, you might be in some larger lecture style classes for your general education requirements or pretty major requirements, which could be anywhere from like two hundred students. Any class that is over fifty students is required to have a breakout discussion section, which is taught by T A or teaching assistant. They're there to answer any questions you may have, and discussion discussed what was discussed in lecture to make sure that you really have a good understanding of the class.