Classroom Tour

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Like papeles like protein engineering by chemistry lab. This is the UT L, which is the undergraduate teaching lab. I've never had to take a class here yet, but I think I will next year. Yeah, the green lights are kind of ominous, but that's okay. So here at Hopkins, we have a lot of different types of classes. Like the lecture classes often have, like eighty two hundred plus kids like or go one and physics one. Physics to, like always, a gen classes tend to have a lot of students because a lot of majors require them. Those are usually the ones saying skip out of using, like, a P credit, or I'd be credited. Think on DH. Then we also have a few discussion based cast classes, like seminar based classes. Things are usually much smaller and held in that classroom rather than like elect your hole. Like my expository writing class, it's kind of like this, and that has about fifteen kids. Yeah, that's a much better student faculty ratio. They want to get into more focus area classes for your major or, like just more very major specific classes like your class sizes tend to get smaller, like my competition. As a freshman, a lot of my classes are really big, especially organic chemistry. For some other bigger classes, it's harder to get to know the professors. Once you get into like focus area classes, it's sometimes easier to talk to the professors and really get to know them. Yeah, and I think every TA is required to hold office hours. So if you have any questions, you can always go talk to them. We also a lot of classes uses think copycat, which is like an online discussion board where you can post your questions and either the Professor T A's or other students can answer them and the professors who usually endorse her. Yeah, there's a lot of ways like stop from falling behind in classes.