Class Sizes, our biggest lecture hall, International Honors

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When we're looking at different class is a lot of classes appeal. You are structure around conversation based classes here in this lecture hall, the biggest Harry Potter lecture hall that we have has a maximum capacity of one hundred sixteen students. You, I think the biggest class that we will have will be maybe about half. I'm also part of international honors program here. Appeal You what you don't think I mentioned yet on DSO part of those classes, they're all Socratic, seven are based. So with the Socratic seminar classes, we have different primary text that we read and in discussing class. For those kind of class is very, very little is actually going to be a lecture base. It's all about having conversations and discussions about the readings that we have for that day, and they're not just text book readings. They're different popular books and indifferent lessons and things like that that are a lot different. Then we'll see what some of the other classes that are more structured around the lecture thing. So this is a class I've never had a class in here, you know, Typically, no classes that I've taken her that big that need to be in this kind of space. It is a great opportunity to kind of see the higher end of how many students we can fit in one of these house one of these classrooms here peel you because we only have about three thousand three thousand one hundred students. That's one of the biggest advantages of going to a small school like we have here.